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Know of any TRULY underprivileged kids?


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We have a Nintendo wii that the kids don't play anymore my oldest just uses it for netflix. I have all the original packaging and boxes, charging station,extra remote,wii fit board, games, ect. I know i could sell it and get a few bucks for it but if anyone knows of any TRUELY underprivileged kids or a family that it would just make their christmas and be thrilled about it I may iust give it away. And when I say truley underprivileged I mean a kids who's parents never in a million years be able to afford somthing like this for thier child. And a child that would be thrill to have it on christmas day, not one that would open it and say "wtf? I wanted a ps4". So just throwing this around right now, so let me know if you know of such a candidate. And I don't want to give this to anyone who is a cheap ass just because its free shit either. Just want to help make some little kids holidays better than it could be.

Edited by 2talltim
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Don't give it to them. They won't be able to get the games and may not have a TV. They will just pawn it or sell for $.


Better off just selling and making a donation to Salvation Army.


Sorry man, I'd say that's painting with a damn broad brush. You're assuming a lot about the recipient.

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Find a local orphanage and take it there. No home. No parents. No family. That's about as "under-privileged" as it gets, in my opinion.

Wow, I'll have to look into that. I didn't even think they still existed. Ignorant of me. I thought it was all foster parent stuff. Good idea.

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