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unOFFICIAL OR SoreButtapalooza to Mt. Rushmore.


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I'm likeing these guys soooo much i have to share more


Little video about these guys, they are the real deal....




More on their last album,,,


Edited by 2talltim
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Ok, so everyone that is going. Please PM me your real name and cell phone number. Also, if you want an ICE name and number give me that.  I will reply with my info.  That will cover us if there is something going on the night/morning we are leaving. Also if you want to tell us if you have any medical conditions we need to know about..allergies...nitro pills for heart attacks..Viagra...whatever feel free. But that is certainly up to you, we won't need any of that stuff. Especially the Viagra.


I will take all that info and put it in a spreadsheet with lines and colors and stuff and print out copies of it...and give it to everyone when we meet up along with printed maps of each day. Then everyone will have everyone's number while we are on the road.


No hurry on this, we still have 29 days.

Edited by Tonik
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Oh snap, you were the last person I thought would have conflicts. That sucks. :(

Yeah, me too. But it happens.


But Kringles!!!!

I can still make the meet up in northern Indiana and then ride to Wisconsin for kringle.. I'll just have to head back from there so I can be back by Monday.. So that's probably what I'll do.  I'll just ride into Chicago and hang out with some friends up there for a day or two.


Bummer, I was looking forward to meeting you.

Still can - see above.




edit: Jeez that Waylon music sucked. :crazy:

Edited by Earache
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Ok, so everyone that is going. Please PM me your real name and cell phone number. Also, if you want an ICE name and number give me that.  I will reply with my info.  That will cover us if there is something going on the night/morning we are leaving. Also if you want to tell us if you have any medical conditions we need to know about..allergies...nitro pills for heart attacks..Viagra...whatever feel free. But that is certainly up to you, we won't need any of that stuff. Especially the Viagra.


I will take all that info and put it in a spreadsheet with lines and colors and stuff and print out copies of it...and give it to everyone when we meet up along with printed maps of each day. Then everyone will have everyone's number while we are on the road.


No hurry on this, we still have 29 days.

sent it before i forgot

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I spoke too soon - now they've moved up our meeting to June 9th in California. So I won't even be able to ride to Chicago at all.

I'm bummed.

Do I have to turn in my SoreButtaPalooza shirt?

Have fun, guys.

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I spoke too soon - now they've moved up our meeting to June 9th in California. So I won't even be able to ride to Chicago at all.

I'm bummed.

Do I have to turn in my SoreButtaPalooza shirt?

Have fun, guys.

Are you sure that you are feeling ok? I hear there will be a mean flu going around in approximately 4 weeks. It looks like you should use a few sick days.

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Do I have to turn in my SoreButtaPalooza shirt?



Hell no, and if you want send it to me. I'll make sure it makes the trip so if anyone asks when you wear it you can say yea the shirt made the trip!

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First don't don't flame me for the 2 star rating of this thread. It was a fat fingered misfire on an iPad. 5+ for sure. Looks like the old girl is ready to go. Very pleased with Riders Discount. Good prices and fast delivery on a new battery and windshield. All to do now is pack. Son in law and myself will get signed up here and be ready to scoot at the rest area. Really looking forward to seeing that part of the country. Now I need to get this new camera figured out. Good thing it has an auto setting.

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Ok, so when I have a trip I check the weather a lot along the route. I realize that any current weather report for June 12th is a total guess. But I do it anyway. So here are the links.



Cleveland:   http://tinyurl.com/krxzjkq

Chicago:      http://tinyurl.com/pemat3r

Rapid City:   http://tinyurl.com/pova242

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No sweat would not be the first time I got wet won’t be the last But as I said before theses guys could not get the weather right even if they were standing in it Cant wait but will need to change oil the week before we go.

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