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Sounds good snot..danielle...hahafzr....may 17th at comp..acc....0800??? Sounds great.....I ate at Bob evens down in logan...A cpl blocks from where the meet is at...worked out good last year....

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Are we using last years meet and ride route?

Copied from Doc, 13' ride.

Logan shopping mall lot on 664

hocking mall shopping center

latitude. 39.54528°, longitude. -82.43083

northwest corner of the intersection at

oh rt 664 & chieftain drive

logan, ohio

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What! Part of the reason it was done on this weekend was so you could go.

Yeah I know but the boss man failed to mention he has Go to the Netherlands for 2 weeks in may and I have to stay close to the farm that weekend in case my relief has problems

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Derek, Nice ride today. Thank for letting me tag along. The Pace and Roadcraft were all in order. I would be happy to help you with anything down here at the Logan rally point. I can also lead a group of 5 at todays pace. I know many of the connecting roads down here in case of route saturation. come down and ride anytime. Thanks again, Brian

Edited by B-Mac
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I've updated the OP to include the Meet place and Route: 


Logan shopping mall lot on 664


hocking mall shopping center


latitude. 39.54528°, longitude. -82.43083°



Route will be same as last year. 


GPS Route: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/2446521?privacy_code=8nkCrv4WqyEYWhiH

Mapquest Version: http://www.mapquest.com/?version=1.0&hk=10-TrIK6TgV



Also added B-Mac as a lead if needed - 

We still need more leads/sweeps to be ready for the event.  

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Just a little feedback from a PM between me and another rider from last year.

Perhaps a few adjustments should be considered.



Me:  How did you feel about the organization of the ride, when
everything was getting started? Any suggestions or
changes you would make?

How did things go at the fuel stop? Was it a ball of
confusion or a mass of congestion? Give me some
feedback, if you don't mind. 



Not Me:  There are a few things that were confusing.


Maybe next time some signage at the meet point to

get everyone grouped when they roll in. Fast, Med.



Our leader was great but almost got us going the

wrong way. So maybe a map for each leader/sweep.


We stopped right away after we started the ride for

gas which didn't make sense as everyone was already

filled up from the meet point.


Then we rode the rest of the ride without a stop...you

could tell the riders were getting fatigued. Doing

a lot of stretching etc. So maybe adding an extra stop

in there.



There's time to review the after-ride comments from previous events in

order to fine tune future events.  It's seems a few things should be considered

not just from this one person's viewpoint but from others that were posted as

well, from last year and before.



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Just a little feedback from a PM between me and another rider from last year.

Perhaps a few adjustments should be considered.



Me:  How did you feel about the organization of the ride, when

everything was getting started? Any suggestions or

changes you would make?

How did things go at the fuel stop? Was it a ball of

confusion or a mass of congestion? Give me some

feedback, if you don't mind.  



Not Me:  There are a few things that were confusing.


Maybe next time some signage at the meet point to

get everyone grouped when they roll in. Fast, Med.



Our leader was great but almost got us going the

wrong way. So maybe a map for each leader/sweep.


We stopped right away after we started the ride for

gas which didn't make sense as everyone was already

filled up from the meet point.


Then we rode the rest of the ride without a stop...you

could tell the riders were getting fatigued. Doing

a lot of stretching etc. So maybe adding an extra stop

in there.



There's time to review the after-ride comments from previous events in

order to fine tune future events.  It's seems a few things should be considered

not just from this one person's viewpoint but from others that were posted as

well, from last year and before.




Agreed about the fuel stop spot was way to early, but it did have some advantages... It gave the leader and group a safe spot to assess the ability of each rider and allow them to switch to be a better fit. Also could allow a person riding outside of their level a quick place to switch groups... I do agree that maybe a stop about 75% of the way would be beneficial as well...


Already had plans of outlining the shopping mall to have the groups already laid out so when you arrive you can park your bike in the designated group for easier organization. 


As far as maps and stuff, well, I could do that, wouldn't be difficult, but even with a map in front of them, still won't assure you won't go the right way hah... I rode this exact route last weekend and even with communication telling me to turn, I still missed it, hah.

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Agree with both!

We should stop at the original stop to asses riders and allow those that want to stay back with slower group can. If you need gas have at it. We could also stop in mcconnelsville for gas and rest.

The key to this is leaving sufficient room between groups so there is little to know overlap. Leaders will need to keep the stop time on schedule and get out before the next group arrives. Derek we can discuss timing and a plan then post for approval.

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It would be nice if each group could wait on the following group in case faster riders wish to move up. If no group actually sees another except at the beginning, it seems some may choose to ride faster than they should since it would be their only chance to decide :dunno: Not sure this would be a better course of action, but just sayin' it sounds good in theory so feel free to pick away at it

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Just don't take the fun out of it or make it more confusing.


Clearly, the objective is to have fun. 


More confusing? If you can't figure out a sign in a parking lot and following a decent guideline of how long your gas stops should be, maybe elementary school is more of a fit for those riders. 

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