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Miserable Ohio


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I'm digging north Atlanta housing prices right now, and it's only a few hours to the Gap.

North Georgia mountain kicks the shit outta the Gap area for riding. If I lived in that area, I'd never go to the Gap.

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Lol one bad winter and everyone's vaginas flare up ;)


There had better be some ride reports this weekend!  I'll be wrenching a bit on a friend's first bike ('03 Shadow 600) in the morning then going with him to a parking lot to shake the cobwebs off from what he learned in the BRC last fall.

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There had better be some ride reports this weekend!  I'll be wrenching a bit on a friend's first bike ('03 Shadow 600) in the morning then going with him to a parking lot to shake the cobwebs off from what he learned in the BRC last fall.


As nice as the weather looks, no riding for me since there is too much salt on the roads. There are a lot of other outdoor things I shall be doing though

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As nice as the weather looks, no riding for me since there is too much salt on the roads. There are a lot of other outdoor things I shall be doing though


No salt on the roads here, what other excuses do you have? ;)

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No salt on the roads here, what other excuses do you have? ;)


I don't live in Columbus, time, care, house responsibilities, car responsibilities, etc etc  :D

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shiiiiiit....like I ever had pants to wear


when it comes to the bike that is incorrect. She saw the weather and actually asked to go for a ride this weekend

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Nope, told her the same thing. Too much salt on the road


Also the forecast doesn't look nearly as nice as it did yesterday, I'm not riding in no damn 38* high

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a lot of those "most miserable" lists consider weather and pro sports team success, as well as the strength of the economy. 


I generally like Ohio.


I am sick of winter, but I think it helps me appreciate summer, or even days like today where it was freezing yesterday, and it's 50 and sunny outside. 

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Own a garden hose? ;-)


a hose will not clean the way I require it to be cleaned. Every year at the end of the season I tear the bitch down to get a thorough cleaning so I'd rather not have salt debris and dust sitting in nooks and crannies on this one. Other bikes I've had I could care less since I knew I was only keeping them for a season or two at best

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Hate Ohio, have since I was a child, always will.  If the wife would allow a move, I'd be out of here in less than a day, taking the bare minimum and donating the rest to charity.  Her sister and BIL keep talking about moving to SC, which would be great because then I think there would be a glimmer of hope for me to GTFO of here, until then no chance.  Her parents not being able to move doesn't help either, so guess I can keep dreaming. 

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I've been in Pickerington twice now for a week each time...still here actually.  I'd be game for the beer on the deck but not so much the necked stuff with ya.




Well shit man, call me. I'm down for a beer. Rule3 has a great selection. 

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I like Ohio just fine and proud to be born and raised here........great roads to ride and most of the state gets pretty mild Winters away from Lake Erie. We had Winter this year, Hell so did most of the rest of the country.

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I was tired of this crappy weather and this morning I said screw it. This morning’s commute was 24 degrees. The ride home (at noon) was a nice 40+ degrees. Ohio is now a little less miserable. My view of acceptable riding weather is skewed because of this prolonged cold winter. Thank God Iron Pony had deeply discounted heated gear earlier this winter. Riding season is now upon us.

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The weather isn't why I'm moving. This is an ugly state. There is nothing beautiful, remarkable or breathtaking about Ohio. I will not live, or die, in this god-forsaken shit hole. Too many people, as well. I'm growing more claustrophobic as the years go by.


Wow..... sounds like you need to explore the state a bit more. 

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