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FT: 1.5ct engagement ring for sportbike


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quick story:


before I was in law school, I was working 2 jobs.  (That is how I could afford to get into track riding. it also paid for my wife's ring)


My second job was mopping floors, emptying trash, and cleaning bathrooms at a pre-school.  The owner of the joint was around on occasion after hours (I worked 6-9) changing light bulbs, etc. and we would chat about stuff.  He knew I was applying to law schools, etc.


So one day Marty asks me, "Chris, you seem like a smart guy - why are you scrubbing toilets?"  I told him "I have a girlfriend who wants a ring, and an expensive hobby."  He asks "what's the hobby?"  I tell him that I do track days on motorcycles and am thinking about getting into racing.


Marty stops what he's doing, looks at me, thinks for 4 or 5 seconds, and says, "break up with the girlfriend," and then just gives me this big idiot grin.  In hindsight, he was on a ladder at 8:00 on a weeknight changing light bulbs in the building of his wife's business.   The guy had a full-time job, but was roped into that kind of crap on top of it.  He probably wasn't the least biased person to be talking to :p

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Well ya it is a huge waste of money. The diamond industry has done a great job convincing everyone that diamonds are rare, when in fact a cole years ago a mine was dug in Canada that has enough diamonds to supply the world for at least 150 years

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I agree expensive jewelry is a waste. I would rather spend the money on a trip, or something fun.

I never understood why other girls want expensive jewelry. However, they don't understand why I don't.

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Women are stupid? :dunno:

Really? Women ask but men are the ones paying for it. So, I believe you meant men are stupid for buying them in the first place.

In some cases the girl does not even ask for it, men assume it's what we want.

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Im surprised that Im the only one to catch that a 1.5 or even a 1ct ring in a setting is only worth 3800?? Sounds like shit stones and/or shit tiny stones/dust.

I'm sure quality is low. Most people can't tell the difference anyhow. Hell I was and sort of still am one of them, I only know what I do now because I got a crash course in diamonds from my neighbor who I bought my fiances ring from

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I looked at diamonds after the first of the year. They showed me a diamond and I could see with my naked eye that it had a carbon spot. Huge. I got up and left and went to Jareds. much better selection than the mall stores but apparently most of them are owned by the same head company including Jareds. O well as long as your happy with the purchase and feel you got a good deal then who cares. diamonds arent as difficult as people make them out to be. I bought a book at B&N and spent about an hour reading up on them. I feel I know more about diamonds than 99% of men looking at rings.  

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Sterling jewelers owns Jared, Rogers, Kay and others. Most of the markup to retail pricing is huge. My ex worked(or may still work there), which is how I have some nice jewelry that I really don't want anymore either.

And I agree with snot, why spend all that cash on jewelry. Buy me bike parts or something fun. :)

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Yup Sterling is great when you work or have family that works there. My brother in law has worked there a year now and the only jewelry I've bought has been with his discount other than the engagement ring. They watch pretty close and it would've been suspicious him buying one when he's already married :lol:

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Big-box stores have their advantages. I bought my wife's ring from Kay knowing that I was over-paying. But I was okay with that because it increases the insured value if it's ever stolen, and their biannual inspections and cleanings mean that if the stone falls out, Kay replaces it free of charge. And we can move pretty much anywhere and still have a Kay location within a reasonable distance to perform the inspections.

That said, my wife's ring was only $2400 or something like that. Huge diamonds look silly to me when they're on a tiny hand. They also get in the way. A full karat is about the largest most women can actually wear every day without getting annoyed. My wife's ring is more like .55 or something. As far as I know, she'd prefer a bigger house before a bigger stone.

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My wife would kick my ass if I paid that kind of money for a rock. They one she has is a 1ct heart shaped (lab created) diamond.I think I have around $400 invested in the stone and setting(bought them separate).I had I local jeweler set it, he said the only difference between a natural diamond and a man made one was that the man made ones were absolutely flawless with no imperfections, and most of the newer ones will have a serial number etched in them but the one she has does not. He said he knew that hers was a lab created diamond because it was so perfect.

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