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Dealing with tragedy


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Some of you may have noticed some posts about possibly looking for a new job and being in the market for a car as well as having to sell my bike and trailer.

Reason being is Wednesday Night my step dad passed away and was caused by the really bad situation our company is in that he tried to shield my Mom and I from so he could try and get it turned around without us worrying. Unfortunately, that would not be the case and both of us are not only grieving but we are scrambling to pick up the pieces and get things figured out and turned around ourselves. I may be preemptively coming up with back up plans I may very well not need but I'd rather be prepared at this point. We will hopefully know more this week about what direction we can go in

It's been the toughest week of my life and it's not going away any time soon but I have been lucky enough to keep strong and help get myself and my family through this. I know a lot of people pretty well so I just wanted to get it out there if I'm MIA for a bit or extra grumpy :lol:

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Prayers going out to you.

This group helped me through my struggles when my father passed.

I know what I went though with my loss, so I can only guess what you might be going through, plus the work / Business issues.

Nothing I can say will be witty or helpful, but if you ever want to talk or just hang out in silence, hit me up.

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Prayers going out to you.

This group helped me through my struggles when my father passed.

I know what I went though with my loss, so I can only guess what you might be going through, plus the work / Business issues.

Nothing I can say will be witty or helpful, but if you ever want to talk or just hang out in silence, hit me up.

I remember that thread and was half the reason I decided to let the story be known. The other half was so people wouldn't give me shit for liquidating stuff for the wedding haha!

Thank you everyone for your words, thoughts and prayers. Today is going to be a tough one since I have to go back into our office today and get some work prepared to see what our options are moving forward. The hardest will be having to go into his office where he died and get some files. I think I'm much less worried about myself though as I am my Mom

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Very sorry to hear this news man, I don't know too many people in Cleveland but I do have a contact or two in the construction industry. If I can be of help looking for a job in that field don't hesitate to PM me and we can talk about some options that I might have.

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Thanks everyone! We need all the prayers, thoughts and luck we can get!



My condolences. Any chance you can take the company into a different direction?


We're having a meeting this afternoon and I'm hoping all the questions will have answers when we're through but realistically I feel like it will be a process. My plan is to get rid of our problem customer that drove us in to this hole and concentrate on the two smaller ones we've had continued success with. Ideally I'd like to get this thing turned around and attractive enough to someone to buy and get the hell out of this industry. Most people know my contempt for Unions and it has just grown stronger in the last week finding out more things


that's rough.  Sorry to hear.


Explains your trailer sale thread a bit.  Didn't know things were as severe as you're describing now.  Keep your chin up.  there is light at the end of every tunnel.


Sadly, the only one who knew the true severity of the problem was him until I started diving in to all the financial info. The worst part was is it was right in front of my face with one of my tasks and he just never taught me the part of understanding what I was looking at and I think that was by design so I wouldn't worry and he could dig us out. I just wish he would've let me in and help take some burden off him

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Sorry for your loss. It's got to be extremely difficult dealing with two situations at once. If you need some financial or estate/business planning advice I could possibly give you some contacts. Sounds harsh but the 1st thing I'd look into is if the business had keyman insurance on him.

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Thoughts snd prayers are with you and your family. If you need to do any late night venting I'm up all night. May not have any advice but its an ear. Just send a pm and I will get back to you. There is unlicensed therapist patient confidentiality too.

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