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Not even sure what to say....

Strictly Street

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The Obama administration has been helping to facilitate a series of events nationwide at Mexican Consulate offices to enroll people in Obamacare – and a key activist says the efforts are “our responsibility” regardless of citizenship.


“Whether they’re Mexican nationals or whether they’re United States citizens or whether they’re in transition-- and if they’re there it is our responsibility within all of America to educate on the Affordable Care Act,” Enroll America Field Organizer Jose Medrano told Breitbart News on Wednesday.


Health Care insurance navigator groups hosted an Obamacare enrollment fair on Tuesday in the Mexican Consulate’s Brownsville office, The Rio Grande Guardian reported last Friday, where Mexican nationals among others were counseled about enrolling in the ACA.


“The Mexican consulate is a very reliable source of information to the Latino community. And therefore when they host their events, yesterday being the health fair, there are several hundred people that show up,” Medrano said.

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) undocumented immigrants aren't supposed to be receiving government-run health benefits or subsidized coverage. However, President Barack Obama told Latinos in early March that the Healthcare.gov website would not be used to find out about an individual’s immigration status.



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Sorry you don't like the source,

I would have quoted somebody more "mainstream" if they wouldn't refuse to cover it.

Must be part of the Amnesty program. Free health care, drivers licenses and voter registration cards.

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Sorry you don't like the source,

I would have quoted somebody more "mainstream" if they wouldn't refuse to cover it.

Must be part of the Amnesty program. Free health care, drivers licenses and voter registration cards.


Gotta love the logic.  If it's not published by credible mainstream sources, it's a conspiracy I tell ya, a conspiracy!

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Yes, information is free to everyone, I'm sure it's entirely unnecessary for us to go off shore to find out information that is missing in national media sources in the US. Nor is it necessary to have to find news sources outside of any of the major distributors of news information. Information would never be missing or eliminated from distribution to the population. The US media is also entirely unbiased and completely truthful, with no agendas or culpability.


Feel free to drink the kool-aid.

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Feel free to drink the kool-aid.

Vs the kool aid that says everything is a conspiracy without backing it up with proof?

Maybe you're right, but how do I know you're not a CIA agent trying to use reverse psychology to make me think you're anti-mainstream just so I predictably invoke symbolic logic thus making other conspiracists believe all hope is futile?

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Vs the kool aid that says everything is a conspiracy without backing it up with proof?

Maybe you're right, but how do I know you're not a CIA agent trying to use reverse psychology to make me think you're anti-mainstream just so I predictably invoke symbolic logic thus making other conspiracists believe all hope is futile?

lol, there are many flavors of kool-aid. Choose wisely. And fortunately, the powers that be have yet to realize, nor can yet afford, the manipulation of the internet at this level. On other levels, they do just fine. When it happens, it will be an army of bots. Computer programs, all in a row. They won't be perfect, they will fail at sarcasm and innuendo and local colloquialisms and such. They will give themselves away like the shallow little machines that they are. But they will be incredibly annoying.


But there has been some success in manipulating people in the general population to do the very same job for free. That technique goes back to the dawn of time. Just as history is revisionist and seldom reflects the reality of events that occurred, the news, media, and the internet are champions of the same. We can call it sensationalism and judge it mostly harmless, but the effects are real and long lasting.

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lol, there are many flavors of kool-aid. Choose wisely. And fortunately, the powers that be have yet to realize, nor can yet afford, the manipulation of the internet at this level. On other levels, they do just fine. When it happens, it will be an army of bots. Computer programs, all in a row. They won't be perfect, they will fail at sarcasm and innuendo and local colloquialisms and such. They will give themselves away like the shallow little machines that they are. But they will be incredibly annoying.


But there has been some success in manipulating people in the general population to do the very same job for free. That technique goes back to the dawn of time. Just as history is revisionist and seldom reflects the reality of events that occurred, the news, media, and the internet are champions of the same. We can call it sensationalism and judge it mostly harmless, but the effects are real and long lasting.


As you point out this is a "science" if you will, that is still taking baby steps. It can only get better or worse depending on your point of view as time goes on.


At this time there are paid "shills" who do go on-line to promote their agenda. Pretty common on the bigger news sites. They do get sarcasm, innuendo and the like being real people. Even so, they are called out often by the other posters. Not to mention the private campaigns. I've read a couple of articles by people who did this for a living for awhile. Mostly collage kids. Comp-Sci people who know how the net works and can cut a corner here and there.


Not suggesting anybody here is one, don't get me wrong on that one by any means.


We also have the rise of "Bot Journalism" where multiple sites are scraped and summaries are posted on an aggregating site that no real person ever wrote. Read a few interesting articles on that too. Robot authors are an offshoot of the studies onto artificial intelligence. Even robot book authoring programs are out there right now.


The political angle on all this as you pointed out is also troubling such as the Obama administrations ‘Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs’ that would dispatch researchers from the federal agency “to grill reporters, editors and station owners about how they decide which stories to run.” A great idea from their point of view so they control all the media "spin" but not such a good idea if you want to know what is really going on.


Consider also the The Free Flow of Information Act (And other attempts) would shield anyone associated or once associated with a news-gathering operation. Which by defining who is a bona fide journalist would bring them in line with government policies by exempting potential whistle blowers as non-journalists while allowing them to be charged with a crime to effectively silence them.


It does make a difference of who is out there and what they are saying. Re-writing history so it says what you want it to say is a common practice and one of the many complaints against the "Common Core" brand of education going on right now. Who are the "bad guys" and who are the "good guys" makes a difference in how we see things and what we judge to be our own attitudes.


On the other hand a fine source of news might be http://www.theonion.com/. there you go, sarcasm in action! :)



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I remember stories about college kids approached and/or recruited by alphabet soup (CIA/FBI/NSA/ETC). I doubt it has slowed down at all. Occasionally makes the news.


I tried to find the info on current practices of news and media suppression that was passed by either congress or executive order last decade. It's a little hard to find now. I guess it's now... suppressed info.


If you watch internet info on cutting edge science and military stuff, you would notice how often some of it vanishes. Removed from the internet, never to be seen again. This I understand. With some of that stuff, you really don't want the entire world knowing about it. And in the same manner, I won't talk about that stuff on the public internet. Not that anyone would believe it anyway.

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I remember stories about college kids approached and/or recruited by alphabet soup (CIA/FBI/NSA/ETC). I doubt it has slowed down at all. Occasionally makes the news.


I tried to find the info on current practices of news and media suppression that was passed by either congress or executive order last decade. It's a little hard to find now. I guess it's now... suppressed info.


If you watch internet info on cutting edge science and military stuff, you would notice how often some of it vanishes. Removed from the internet, never to be seen again. This I understand. With some of that stuff, you really don't want the entire world knowing about it. And in the same manner, I won't talk about that stuff on the public internet. Not that anyone would believe it anyway.



Here is a few from this year. I used mixed sources so there are a few points of view represented.











This quote is a gem:

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) insisted on limiting the legal protection to "real reporters" and not, she said, a 17-year-old with his own website."


She is the one that pushed the idea of the IRS targeting conservatives (ie: The Tea Party) so we know where she is going with this one.


Ona semi-related note:

Jesse was a fairly anonymous fellow blogging from the bowels of the White House campus (he’s its “director of progressive media”), trying to fan any flames of imaginary optimism he could find out there about the Obamacare tax-fraud scheme that is now upon us.

(looks like this is the job title of the Whitehouse team of shills)



Nothing really new here past the medium they are trying to control. People have been trying to control what others say since, well forever.

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Feinstein's actions over the last couple of year makes my head hurt. They make no sense at all, she is a liberal from California FFS.  She has been pushing expansion of the patriot act. Attacking snowden, defending the NSA and the IRS stuff you mention. It is very weird. Something is going on, and we might never know what it really is.

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