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6 year old riding a Harley

Strictly Street

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I'll agree i made a huge leap into being absurd but my point was some people need laws and rules to tell them what is right and wrong, most of us don't. I can just think of at least a dozen ways that this could have gone wrong and i was told that my emotion that I had viewing this was unfounded. I never said i was going to petition that this guy go to jail, or that we should find and lynch him, I just said it pissed me off, which it does.

If all it takes is a dozen reasons not to do something, nothing would be allowed, especially not fun shit like riding motorcycles.

Good thing about having kids is the parents get to choose most of the things about raising them. Not strangers who watch a video. I'm pretty sure your actions would make many people think you are reckless.

Edited by turnone
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This incredible desire to curb Darwinism is going to lead to our own extinction...

I don't disagree with your conclusion but I very much disagree with your supporting statement for its excessive breadth. I rather enjoy vaccines and surgical interventions and clean water and ABS and distracted driving laws. If our DNA strands give us the ability to think through risk mitigators, why on earth would we reject them out of a blanket belief that they curb Darwinism?

It's just to me, this video isn't a case where additional laws are needed, just as Justin Lee shouldn't have been stopped from flying a T-Rex 600 under supervision.

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What if the kid has been riding for several years already on small bikes and already has an understanding of how it works... I'd say solo riding on a ttr is more dangerous than controlling the handlebars of a harley in a straight line. Are you against kids riding bikes period? I'm just dumbfounded as to why this is so upsetting.

I don't have to tell you the risk of riding, we all take them every time we saddle up. There is always going to be the "what if's" (there's a dog or deer, roadkill, pot hole, blue haired ladies, asshats, )anything can upset a bike at any moment.  I'd like to think someone with a child on a bike would like to be prepared for any of these at any moment, and leaning back with a body between you and the controls isn't the best scenario if SHTF. And the added insult that this kid was in shorts,tshirt, and batting gloves didnt help the snap shot i was taking in either. I just have a problem with this, no there is nothing i can do about it but piss and moan but maybe someone would hear me and think "maybe your right" and save a life.Who knows.

Edited by 2talltim
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What if that little boy grows up to be Hitler 2.0? Now, you've just killed 6 million Jews because you JUST HAD TO DO SOMETHING!!!

Well you might as well add time travel to the moral dilemma if we're going Full Plato.

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What if that little boy grows up to be Hitler 2.0? Now, you've just killed 6 million Jews because you JUST HAD TO DO SOMETHING!!!

what if they were all child molesting heroin addict jews that starve their children? then i'd be okay with that.

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That's one hell of a leap you make.

You must be against gay marriage too because if gays can marry them what would stop people from marrying their 5 year old daughter or a lama?

Some weird logic you have.

I'm against the government having any say in any personal relationships.

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A serious case of everyone's decisions are wrong but mine. :)

might be the best post here,


i'm a big boy i can admit that i mostly get pissed about these things because someone thought differently than i do and that needs to change :lol:

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Most of us born before 1990 probably have memories of family trips across the country, lying around in the back seat with no seatbelt.


Think about the risk per vehicle mile traveled time actual miles traveled.


Motorcycle riders are something like 34-time as likely to die per vehicle mile traveled overall. (its actually quite a bit less when booze is taken out of the equation and helmets added.)


But take 34 as a given.  This guy probably rode about mile or 2 with his kid steering in that position.  As a kid with no seatbelts, which is about as likely to kill you on the highway in the event of a collision, my family damn-sure covered more than 34 or so miles.



TL/DR: My parents subjected me and my sister to a hell of a lot more risk than this good ole boy in the video.  I hope certain folks in this thead dont want to involve child protective services, as they're pretty good people.

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Sounds like you are all pissed because now this kid is cooler that yours. He is going to go to school and have a great story to tell. Girlies are going to think he's the greatest.

Will probably have a life full of adventures and risk taking. Won't be stuck inside to keep him from getting kidnapped and molested. Or get skin cancer from the sun.

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If by "good people" you mean "fucking retarded".. then, yes. I agree with your assessment.

Agreed, there is a woman that works for children services in our county that has never had a child and she's supposed to tell us what right and wrong? Wtf?
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Agreed, there is a woman that works for children services in our county that has never had a child and she's supposed to tell us what right and wrong? Wtf?

Yes she works in Miami county. There is also a Guardian ad Lietem (sp) too.

I have dealt with the both of them. Fucking worthless.

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I think if people would not record everything they seem to do these days and post it publicly, maybe we could all go about minding our own damn business. We have always done stupid shit, it's just that now there is easily and readily available proof. ;)

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 I rather enjoy[...]distracted driving laws.


This portion of your argument doesn't support your point.


laws designed to protect the stupid from harming others are not anti-Darwin.


Laws designed to prevent people from harming themselves are what interfere with natural selection. 


In the case of the video, one could argue it both ways.  Either the law is designed to prevent dad from putting his child in harm's way, thus preserving his stupid genes and interfering with natural selection; or the law gives the kid a chance at evolving and learning from his idiot father's risky behavior, passing superior understanding along to his own children.

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Agreed, there is a woman that works for children services in our county that has never had a child and she's supposed to tell us what right and wrong? Wtf?


Having children has virtually zero to do with evaluating whether a child is abused, neglected, or dependent upon the State.

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I'm probably hypersensitive about this, but job and family services DO NOT want to be involved with any family.  They get involved when they feel it's necessary to protect the children.


They are obligated by law to investigate all reports - that does not mean that a case will be opened. 


And remember, certain parties are mandatory reporters.  If this kid goes into school and tells  his teacher about riding his dad's Harley on the highway, he or she is obligated to report that as possible child abuse.  Their future as a teacher may depend on it.  Then JFS calls the parents and asks them what happened.  Local law enforcement may decide to charge dad with child endangering as well.


But assuming it's an isolated incident, and dad faces legal consequences for endangering the child, I wouldn't foresee job and family services wanting (or needing) to be involved beyond their initial investigation to make sure this isn't a daily occurrence, or that there aren't other dangerous decisions being made in the home.

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I let my grand kids drive my speed boat 55+ mph all the time but there is no way in hell they will ever do that To much can happen that you would have no control over  or time to react to. My oldest grand kid is 10 and he still has not been on my bike his first ride will be when his feet can touch the foot pegs

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I ride my kids around our subdivision and sometimes at campgrounds. They always wear a helmet. Riding kids around with safety gear at slow speeds is a completely different animal than what is shown in the video.


agreed.  And every kid is different.


Like someone else said, this kid may have more experience on a bike than some people on this site... 


Plus not all 6 year olds are the same size, maturity, etc.   My buddy's 6-yr-old is afraid to sit on my bike when it's on the side-stand, and not running. 


His 4 year old daughter is a crazy one though.  She would absolutely not be afraid, and would probably jump off the damn thing if we let her...  Assuming they were both tall enough, and both had appropriate riding gear, I would only take his son on a ride.  He's got the safer mind-set.  He understands the dangers and why it's so important for him to hold on, stay still, and follow instructions. 


His daughter just isn't wired that way.  Not all 6 year olds (or even all 10 or 12 year olds) are. 


it's a parenting call.  Easy for me (or anyone else) to arm-chair quarterback what's appropriate (or inappropriate) for this kid to do, but the reality is that we just don't know him, or enough about the situation to decide how risky it is.

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