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New to MC world!!


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Hi there. Completely new to the motorcycle world. Just bought my first bike not long ago ( 95 Suzuki Intruder 800) and I'm loving it. Still a ton to learn so any suggestions, tips, etc. are appreciated. Would love to eventually have a group of guys to ride with every so often but like I said I'm a rookie so that'll be a while. For now I'll probably just stalk this page and soak up all the knowledge I can.

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Welcome! My standard tip for new riders is to spend as much as you can afford on riding gear...helmet, gloves, jacket, pants, etc. the skin you save will be your own.

Oh, and take the MSF basic class...even if you have your endorsement.

Edited by PhilD'oh!
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Don't make my mistake. I rode alone for the better part of 8 years before becoming active on a forum or trying to meet other riders (just not good at meeting people and only one of my friends had any real interest in riding). I feel I could have learned so much more had I met more people to learn from. You seem to be starting off right. And I'm sure there are people in your area willing and patient enough to take it easy and ride with you. Ride safe and welcome! 

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Pretty much what all the other guys & gals are saying. Take the MSF safety class and trust what they say to be very useful. ATGATT (All the gear, all the time)  - So make sure you always have your gear on, even on a 2 min ride in 99 degree heat. 


Something I'll add that others haven't added... I'd watch this video after you've learned the very basics of riding - Twist of the Wrist II - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr-Wqs37Ug4


Oh ya, and welcome to OhioRiders.

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Appreciate it guys (and gals). Gloves, helmet (3/4 I can't do the full face thing) jacket with all the pads always. Plan on the class later on. Looking for a few good 1hr rides close to home. Nothing crazy turny but enough to feel it and learn it. I live in Norwood. Any suggestions?

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