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wait, what?!?


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Same thing I've been hearing. Troops get folks out, no combat troops. Maximum of 275 authorized, only 170 sent.

I see this more as an over reaction to the backlash from Benghazi.

Over reaction? No it's the exact correct action. We protect our people period. It's what should have happened in Benghazi but didn't. Guess he figures he won't get away with letting a second embassy staff get slaughtered while he golfs.

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Over reaction? No it's the exact correct action. We protect our people period. It's what should have happened in Benghazi but didn't. Guess he figures he won't get away with letting a second embassy staff get slaughtered while he golfs.

Oh I agree it's important to get them out. I just think it's overkill. 170 "combat ready" soldiers? How many took out Bin Laden? That's all I'm saying.

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Oh I agree it's important to get them out. I just think it's overkill. 170 "combat ready" soldiers? How many took out Bin Laden? That's all I'm saying.

Apple's and oranges. Bin Laden was a stealth kill. This is a show of force that sends a clear message.

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This may be a dumb question, but is there still a war in Afghanistan? I never heard about it anymore.

Yes Americans are still dying on a weekly basis there. I don't blame anyone for not knowing though, when that war gets literally zero mentions in our Commander in Chiefs state of the union address.

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Putting this here because IP brought up Bengazi.


Ok, now I am completely confused.  When Bengazi happened Obama and his administration went around telling us it was a spontaneous riot caused by You Tube. And today they tell us the captured the mastermind behind the bengazi attack. Does that mean they captured the guy that made the You Tube video? Thats the only logical conclusion you can draw from all this BS.

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Obama being elected is one reason I'm glad I'm not from Ohio. :)


I still believe he did not actually win in Ohio "for the re-election", hell the whole country for that matter. And I am all for getting every American and our allies out of that shithole region, and introducing about 150,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Do it Israel, hit that magic button!!!!!

Edited by Pokey
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I still believe he did not actually win in Ohio "for the re-election", hell the whole country for that matter. And I am all for getting every American and our allies out of that shithole region, and introducing about 150,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Do it Israel, hit that magic button!!!!!

I find it hard to believe he won anywhere (especially the second time) but I'm just a dumb WV country boy so what do I know. :)

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Putting this here because IP brought up Bengazi.


Ok, now I am completely confused.  When Bengazi happened Obama and his administration went around telling us it was a spontaneous riot caused by You Tube. And today they tell us the captured the mastermind behind the bengazi attack. Does that mean they captured the guy that made the You Tube video? Thats the only logical conclusion you can draw from all this BS.


The guy involved in the YouTube video was arrested and prosecuted for 'unrelated' charges. Good old government doing what is best for the people... Some potentially accurate/inaccurate information here (but you'll get the point): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakoula_Basseley_Nakoula


The guy got f'ed in the a, you know, for the good of the people. (sarcasm)

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Yes Americans are still dying on a weekly basis there. I don't blame anyone for not knowing though, when that war gets literally zero mentions in our Commander in Chiefs state of the union address.

This x 1000

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