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historical plates: how to ride them on the reg

Gixxus Christ!

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I filed for historical plates for the superhonda today, should come in the mail next week. Rules state I have to be riding in a parade or to or from a bike show.

So we need loopholes. I don't plan on hooning the cammer daily but I sure as fuck won't be in any parades.

I guess 'bike show' is a loosely defined term and idk if the state has detailed what circumstances would be needed for something to be a bike show.

So far I have one pretty solid loophole figured out:

I get pulled over.

Cop: why are you riding around on historical plates? Where's the parade/show?

Me: "I'm selling this bike on the internet. I don't trust strangers to come to my house and case it with the intention of returning to steal my easily hot wired classic motorcycle so I'm on my way to/back from meeting the potential buyer at (wherever is close to wherever I'm heading to/coming from).

Cop: ok, be careful. Lbts, glws.


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I just say I'm going to a car show (or coming from a car show if headed home). How will they know? Car shows are ubiquitous and a car show can be hosted anywhere by anyone. Basically the language makes it a moot restriction.

There is a car show in my garage right now.

They also allow for "club events" but don't stipulate how big a club has to be our what the event has to entail.

Edited by magley64
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That's pretty much what I figured....but this bike is old, fast and loud and I'm not that bright so contact with the local constabulary is likely...but I guess I can just put on a show wherever I park it.

'I'm on my way from a show at subway and I'm heading to a show at the ice cream place down the road. I organize these shows myself. They tend to be pretty short notice.'

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I have never been pulled over with historical tags Sam, I have run them on 2 different bikes and several cars when I was in the car club. They usually don't mess with you unless you are being a jackass or going through a town with little else to do.

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'I'm on my way from a show at subway and I'm heading to a show at the ice cream place down the road. I organize these shows myself. They tend to be pretty short notice.'

On my way home from a show in so and so, stopping to grab a bite and some dessert.

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In the next few years hysterical plates WILL be cracked down on... Especially since every single early 90s toyota and honda is still on the road.

How? The language is so ambiguous as to when you can drive it, what will they do?

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If I were a cop, I wouldn't give a shit about historical plates.  


But if I caught you breaking the law, I'd listen to  your explanation about "going to a show" and then write you the additional ticket, laugh in your face, and say "tell it to the judge."


So it's good to have your story ready, but you'd better call some friends with bikes and snap a few pictures of them all together on your phone, so you can show them to the judge or the cop, and be like "look, it was a bike show."

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Falsifying a state document is a first degree misdemeanor punishable by 6 month jail time and $1000 dollar fine. For christsakes are some people so cheap they don't want to register their car normally they risk jail time? And for fucksake once your car is 25 years old it doesn't even need to be echecked

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Falsifying a state document is a first degree misdemeanor punishable by 6 month jail time and $1000 dollar fine. For christsakes are some people so cheap they don't want to register their car normally they risk jail time? And for fucksake once your car is 25 years old it doesn't even need to be echecked

My cars never need echecked, and my little car isn't driven enough to justify regular plates, only a few dozen days of the year.

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Falsifying a state document is a first degree misdemeanor punishable by 6 month jail time and $1000 dollar fine. For christsakes are some people so cheap they don't want to register their car normally they risk jail time? And for fucksake once your car is 25 years old it doesn't even need to be echecked

Not falsifying. My bike is 41 years old. It's historical, so the punishment you cite does not apply.

I don't plan on riding it daily, just want to be able to take it to work once in a while and maybe to show a few friends.

Why so serious?

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Not falsifying. My bike is 41 years old. It's historical, so the punishment you cite does not apply.

I don't plan on riding it daily, just want to be able to take it to work once in a while and maybe to show a few friends.

Why so serious?

I made the comment that it will be seriously enforced in the next few years and I was attacked
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I made the comment that it will be seriously enforced in the next few years and I was attacked

Wow you got some thin ass skin if you took what I said as an "attack". Ah shit, quit attacking me by pointing out the elephant sized loopholes in a registration law.

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