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Michael Brown shooting


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Me too, though even then there was a bias we didn't know about. Journalism is never unbiased - look at how papers reported in the industrial era, though I believe it to be as bad today as it ever was.

Oddly enough, sit and watch Al-Jazeera for 15 minutes. I've seen some pretty good reporting from them. Not as visually... amazing... as Telemundo News, but still.

I love watching the weather on Univision.

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"Johnson disputes that, saying Wilson -- while sitting in the car -- started the scuffle by grabbing Brown by the neck, and that Brown tried to pull away. Johnson also said that there was no struggle for the gun, but rather that Wilson drew the weapon and shot Brown once at the car."

I love this part of the friends claim saying the cop grabbed Brown by the neck while sitting in the car. That officer must have freakishly long arms to be able to grab a a guy that's 6'+ by the neck without even standing up.

Also the statement is made that the cop started the scuffle. But there would be no reason to any initiate contact with the two of them if they weren't being assholes walking in the street.

Edited by cOoTeR
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Just about everything imaginable has been said about this case at this point. Brown was running away, brown was charging, brown was surrendering, brown was the cop, brown was going for the gun, brown was kayaking.

Let's hope the real investigators can put together the actual events, and determine what happened, and who is responsible.

I heard Brown was delivering packages. Edited by mango_sv
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Well, it was an SUV, not a sedan, so that put him a little higher.Not sure if that puts him in neck-reaching range or not, though.


The investigation will tell us which direction that bullet was fired.  If it was close to hitting the officer and/or a direction that does not make sense as being an attempt to shoot Brown then that would be very interesting.



Something else to note...  If the audio of the gunshots is validated, then it cannot be claimed that the first set of shots on tape were fired as Brown was running away - (setting aside questions about whether Brown could stop running, turn around and put his hands up in 2-3 seconds) the second volley of shots on tape only comprised 4 shots, and Brown was shot by 6 different bullets.  Some of the first volley must have hit him, and the autopsy proves he was facing the officer for 5 of those 6 shots.


Michael Bradley claimed to have watched the first volley of shots from his window, then he left the house and got outside in time to see the second volley of shots. I already said it's improbable that he went from inside the house to outside the house in 2-3 seconds, so he is either lying/mistaken or there were 3 distinct volleys of shots and that the first or last were not caught on tape.  This is where the bullet count becomes vital - if the audio accounts for all fired shots (except for the one in the cruiser) then Bradly is lying, and claimed that brown stopped running and turned around with his hands up between the two volleys are very dubious.

Edited by Scruit
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This topic seemed to have died of all of the sudden. Haven't heard anything about it in the news at all. It's crazy that it was all over the news for what seems like the perfect amount of time to distract from how the government seems to be downplaying the isis threats. Now all of the sudden nothing.

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This topic seemed to have died of all of the sudden. Haven't heard anything about it in the news at all. It's crazy that it was all over the news for what seems like the perfect amount of time to distract from how the government seems to be downplaying the isis threats. Now all of the sudden nothing.





Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!



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This topic seemed to have died of all of the sudden. Haven't heard anything about it in the news at all. It's crazy that it was all over the news for what seems like the perfect amount of time to distract from how the government seems to be downplaying the isis threats. Now all of the sudden nothing.


You mean a bit like the Bo Bergdahl situation that also disappeared?

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Gotta love the derptastic comments about the liberal media, right below the premise that the photo is of the officer and that the police department hasn't released it. To the media. Who hasn't reported it. Because it's liberal.

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I saw a pic floating around the IE showing a black man, supposedly in Ferguson, wearing a black T shirt which said he would rather be held by ISIS instead of the Ferguson PD, or something to that effect.  Whatta joke...so maybe they should accommodate him.

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