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Joan Rivers dead


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I am affected by celebrity deaths as much as they will be affected by mine.

I agree that their deaths generally garner more attention than warranted given that we have a steady stream of dead soldiers returning from "war" that get little to no fanfare from the vast majority of the population. This is largely because the media chooses to focus on the attention whores and gloss over the rest.

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I agree that their deaths generally garner more attention than warranted given that we have a steady stream of dead soldiers returning from "war" that get little to no fanfare from the vast majority of the population. This is largely because the media chooses to focus on the attention whores and gloss over the rest.


I don't think that's a fair comparison at all.  First of all, "the media" focuses on what consumers want (or will watch anyway), so we can turn anything we hate about the media right back around and blame ourselves.  What is actually important is different than what the American consumer connects with.  I know a ton more about Joan Rivers than I do about 99.99% of enlisted military personnel.  I am saddened by the loss of any human life, and it's upsetting when military personnel die in conflicts I don't agree with - but that's part of the risk they accept when they enlist.  That doesn't change how their families feel.

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