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hug your dog today.

Gixxus Christ!

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Hug your dog daily if you have a Korean restaurant nearby.


you know, if I was the OP, and you posted this in my thread about my dog who was dying (which my dog very nearly did a few years back that I remember like yesterday), I would tell you to go kill yourself.


actually, just kill yourself.

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you know, if I was the OP, and you posted this in my thread about my dog who was dying (which my dog very nearly did a few years back that I remember like yesterday), I would tell you to go kill yourself.

actually, just kill yourself.

No sense of humor around here anymore. People die every day. Animals die everyday. It is a part of life. And I bet I can count on my one hand how many people think that the animal they are eating for dinner had to die. It is seriously time for everyone in america to grow the fuck up and accept people and animals die.

When my madagascar dragon tree that's I've been babying for the past 3 years dies I'm going to make a thread about it.

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No sense of humor around here anymore. People die every day. Animals die everyday. It is a part of life. And I bet I can count on my one hand how many people think that the animal they are eating for dinner had to die. It is seriously time for everyone in america to grow the fuck up and accept people and animals die.

When my madagascar dragon tree that's I've been babying for the past 3 years dies I'm going to make a thread about it.



there is humor and there is taste.  you lacked both in this case.  i'm sure some lemmingesque zombies around here with all the rich sense of humor of melba toast found your tired crack about asians eating dogs funny, but skullcrusher being the most Korean guy I know, I'm guessing didn't find that shit funny at all, especially considering that he's posting about spending the last few days of his beloved pup's life in the best way he knows how, and the struggle to decide what is truly best for the dog or for him.  Myself, being whiter than a KKK sheet, couldn't understand what it's like to have to hear that shit every time he posts a picture of his dog up on facebook or whatever, but I know he handles it with class, patience and grace, like he did with your post.


When your tree is dying and has to go to the tree doctor or whatever for its inevitable date with a chainsaw, look at it longingly in its fast fading eyes and gently whisper, "make like a tree... and leave".

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there is humor and there is taste. you lacked both in this case. i'm sure some lemmingesque zombies around here with all the rich sense of humor of melba toast found your tired crack about asians eating dogs funny, but skullcrusher being the most Korean guy I know, I'm guessing didn't find that shit funny at all, especially considering that he's posting about spending the last few days of his beloved pup's life in the best way he knows how, and the struggle to decide what is truly best for the dog or for him. Myself, being whiter than a KKK sheet, couldn't understand what it's like to have to hear that shit every time he posts a picture of his dog up on facebook or whatever, but I know he handles it with class, patience and grace, like he did with your post.

When your tree is dying and has to go to the tree doctor or whatever for its inevitable date with a chainsaw, look at it longingly in its fast fading eyes and gently whisper, "make like a tree... and leave".

I grew up with animals my entire life. Some became coyote food some natural causes. I fail to understand the over attachment people have with their pets.

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 I fail to understand the over attachment people have with their pets.

I fail to see how people don't get so attached to pets and I'm not a very "emotional" person. However, everyone is wired different so maybe you're one of them and as such probably are better suited to not have a pet as these types tend to be the ones to neglect and/or abuse them. Hopefully, that isn't true of you.


As mentioned, for many people pets become family members. I'm as emotionally attached to my dogs as I am my son and certainly empathize with the OP so understand that when you make comments about the situation that can be construed as insensitive, you're gonna get some hate thrown your way.

Edited by ScubaCinci
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Sorry about your dog, man. We hug ours every day, did the one before her too. The day I had to put our last one down was just as hard as any family member that's passed on. They're every bit part of the family.

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He's still going strong. With the steroids down to a minimum he's back to his old self for most of the day....still plays tug like a beast posessed. Eating us out of house and home...well not really but he's a bottomless pit. Still runs a block or so with me if I set the pace....it's kind of easy to pretend he's not sick...the prednisone still gives him the shits tho, but the rx meds from the vet help. Tuesday was his 7th birthday. He got half a dozen scrambled eggs for breakfast, 3 mcdonalds cheeseburgers for lunch and freshpet expensive ass refridgerated dog food for dinner... I'm hoping we can maintain this level of quality for him for as long as possible. Every day is a gift but I would love to see him make it past our wedding.

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...the prednisone still gives him the shits tho….


He got half a dozen scrambled eggs for breakfast, 3 mcdonalds cheeseburgers for lunch and freshpet expensive ass refridgerated dog food for dinner...


Glad to hear he's got quality of life.  Sounds like a fun dog.  Not to be critical, but this ^^^ would give my dog the squirts, and she's not even sick.  To much fat and protein, especially for a dog who's health/metabolism is compromised.  Try a bit more fiber--carrots are a good source and ours loves them.  Also, red cabbage, green beans, garbanzo beans (hint:  if you offer him canned stuff, rinse the beans to remove a lot of the sodium).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well its been nearly 7 weeks and he is still going strong. I wouldn't have believed it a month ago. He's still eating like a horse, still plays tug, loves to go on walks etc.. we're very lucky to have had this much time with him at this level of health. Hoping for 7 more.

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