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NEO Wintertime MTB and BMX riding.


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As discussed in the other thread, Rays Mountain Bike Park is suppose to be a really cool place.




While their focus is mostly mountain bikes, they also allow BMX. Go on youtube and search for video's at their park. It looks like loads of fun.


If people are interested I'll get the ball rolling on group rates for say, a 6 month period. I think it would be really awesome if some of us could commit to a few days a month of getting out, getting in shape and keeping away the winter jitters.


Please respond quickly as riding season is practically over and if we could commit a certain number of people from say Nov 15th to May 15th we could probably get a great group rate.



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Ray's is an incredible place to ride... I used to ride BMX 24-7 from the ages of 15-25,  more mountain bikes now, but still feel more at home on jumps and ramps on the BMX, as that is what it is made for...    There are a lot of more mountain bike oriented courses at ray's, and many BMX style courses that mountain bikers hit a lot, as well as a lot of BMX specific rooms or sections. 


Doubt I'll have much free time this winter to get a group membership season pass, but I will definitely be up there a time or three this winter. Rehabbing two  120+ year old houses in my evenings/weekends is going to be my workout for the winter until I can move into one and sell the other.  Then building a second 1977-1979 GS750 Suzuki out of my massive spare parts and take-offs stash...  

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