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nose surgery sucks.

Gixxus Christ!

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He had his lingual tonsils removed, soft pallet trimmed, and septum scraped all at the same time to be exact.

Was in the icu for 4 days. Only water for 14 days. Still has apnea and apparently next option is to move his jaw out. For the septum, He said once they took the stints and packing out he could breathe better than ever. Reducing body weight is still an issue though. Seems to be a catalyst for many problems.
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If you feel you are bigger than average person (mainly bigger neck), have bad snoring issue and high BP, plus some daytime sleepy/fatigue problems (this includes functioning with multi coffee\energy drink support ) 


talk to your doctor and really really really should be thinking about getting the sleep study done. Its on the rise, and not much awareness around.


And if diagnosed with sleep apnea based on the severity you might have to use a CPAP machine. Which i consider should be one of the first line management way before the surgical option (jury is still out as not many convincing trials) but any thing takes u away from a knife is good if you ask me. Unless u have big tonsills/adenoids or really bad dns think medical first.


Always loosing weight trumps every thing for treatment.


And if left unchecked down the years long term problem includes a a very bad lung and a weak heart  which as of  now is irreversible (pulmonary htn + right heart failure)

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Nivin I have an unusually large uvula and soft pallet that causes my snoring. I also had a very badly deviated septum which was preventing me from breathing through my nose. Hoping that I can just breathe through my nose at night and not snore..or at least not as bad.

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So happy to be getting the packing removed tomorrow morning. Watched a few youtube videos and somehow they get an 8 inch long tampon lookin thing up there. Scary part is I have totally adapted to mouth breathing And do it completely subconsciously now.

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If you feel you are bigger than average person (mainly bigger neck), have bad snoring issue and high BP, plus some daytime sleepy/fatigue problems (this includes functioning with multi coffee\energy drink support ) 


talk to your doctor and really really really should be thinking about getting the sleep study done. Its on the rise, and not much awareness around.


And if diagnosed with sleep apnea based on the severity you might have to use a CPAP machine. Which i consider should be one of the first line management way before the surgical option (jury is still out as not many convincing trials) but any thing takes u away from a knife is good if you ask me. Unless u have big tonsills/adenoids or really bad dns think medical first.


Always loosing weight trumps every thing for treatment.


And if left unchecked down the years long term problem includes a a very bad lung and a weak heart  which as of  now is irreversible (pulmonary htn + right heart failure)

Was just gonna say the CPAP is the only thing that worked for my mom.  She had the surgery, some other surgery, tried all kinds of over the counter fixes, etc.  CPAP is the only thing that can keep her from snoring and sleeping safely.  If this doesn't do it, take a look into them.


Also I feel ya, not really, but I got neutered Tuesday of last week and my sh*t is still black and blue.  I had to take care of our son Wednesday as the sitter called off with a sick kid, and I am sure you can imagine I did not heal as I should have with a 18mos old jumping on me and all kinds of stuff the day after surgery.


Oh and the local wore off when he was burning the left side shut.  That did not feel good, not even a little. 

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Went quickly. Felt weird. Felt weirder when he put this little metal tube in my nose to what felt like the back of my skull and sucked a bunch of snotty blood clots out. I still have the stints in there till weds so it's not like I can really use my nose yet but at least the packing is out.

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Holy fuck was this worth it! Got the stints removed today and it was like someone stopped water boarding me. I can't remember the last time I could breathe this good. I still have some swelling so my airways are going to open up even more in the next week or two. It's seriously amazing. If you have issues with your nose and an e.n.t. specialist recommends this procedure it is well worth the 6 days of misery.

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