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Looking for daughter's first dirt bike


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Hola OR peeps. If you don't mind, ping me if you come across a deal on something akin to a PW50, TX50, etc. Looking for a starter bike for my 11 year old daughter. It doesn't have to be aesthetically pleasing, it just has to work and work safely. Heck, even some cosmetic repair or TLC would be handy as I plan to teach her basic maintenance on the thing. And it goes without saying like a lot of us here, the cheaper the better. :D I am looking in the couple to few hundred dollar range for the entire investment. Just looking for something to get her feet wet for a year or two before she is either bored with it (doubtful, as she would be disowned) or ready to move up in size.


As always, thanks OP types for taking the time to read this. Cheers!

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