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Women's World Cup. I don't get it.


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Soccer is fun to watch.  Provided it's being played by school children that are related to you.


It's popular world wide because all you need to play is empty space and one ball, or a coconut, or whatever else they have in 3rd world nations.

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The news tried to make a story that the women are complaining for not being paid as much as the men winning the world cup  for being the 50% best human soccer team in the world

I saw that. Pack stadiums and they will be paid accordingly. That's how it works in free countries.

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If they had any balls they would be wearing Confederate Flag uniforms. Of course if they had any balls they would be playing in the men's championship and getting their asses handed to them.

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But, they don't have balls. They're female. That means they play with other females. Women's soccer is better soccer, anyway. It's far more elegant and far fewer instances of babies throwing hissy fits on the pitch. The women just football. Seldom are there any theatrics, unlike the men's league.

Agree 100%. There were more sandy vaginas on the field during the men's tournament.

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England beat Germany drawing a dirty foul.The offender had the defender around the waist and by the wrist then started to spin her. The defender put her free arm out which grabbed around the offender in the box who then fell down and got a PK called. Men's and Women's are both soccer frustratingly dirty to watch yet with a high risk of real head injury. If your team ends up with possession nothing gets called to preserve your "advantage".

Women's soccer maybe looks cleaner because they're more likely to suck it up rather than retaliate to initiating fouls missed by the refs.

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Since the US won the world cup, does this mean all the other countries have to call it Soccer for the next four years? 



The word "soccer" is actually British. It derives from the game's proper name, association football, with the "soc" bit taken from the word "association" .


The reason it came into popular usage was simple: in the 19th century, football and rugby were both commonly known as football, the former dubbed "association football" and the latter "rugby football". But both phrases are a bit of a mouthful, however, so they were popularly shortened to "soccer" and "rugger" to keep things simple.

Edited by Tpoppa
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I saw that. Pack stadiums and they will be paid accordingly. That's how it works in free countries.

More people watched the women's world cup than nearly any other sporting event, aside from the superbowl.

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Actually, the United States has the highest concentration of female soccer players in the world. The rest of the world doesn't really dig on women playing soccer.

thsts because they are not allowed out of the kitchen...

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thsts because they are not allowed out of the kitchen...

I just remodeled our kitchen. Cabinets, appliances, granite counter tops, the whole nine yards.

I better get some damn good sammich's.

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