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Sunday 9/20 Millersburg to Marietta and back.


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Because Blitz isn't elaborating I'm going to. This was a very rare occasion that has only happened once since I've been riding with this core group of guys. We don't do lunches, extended stops and certainly don't sight see or do any tourists stuff. This picture is that once event.

Once there we all start snapping pictures with our phones and even take a timed one with everyone in it. Blitz then gets everyone by their bikes for a group photo and is holding his camera wrong. (At least that's what I tell him because I know everything.) He explains that he can take a picture of all of us, someone can take a picture of him and he can put it all together. This picture is the result of that. I have no idea how many pictures are included in this end result but I know he didn't get everyone in one picture and for sure he wasn't in any of the ones he took. I love to see the result of people's skills. This is a great example of being impressed.

PS. I could be a little skinnier and have less gray in my beard if you really wanted to impress me.

Edited by Uncle Punk
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I can make you look like a super model UP, lipstick and all. But I'll just assume this image is sufficient.

And to add a little detail, you're exactly right about holding the camera wrong....for one wide photo I was. And because like you, I know everything, I tell people that fairly often when I see them take vertical photos. Hahaha!

But for this specific image, since it was so wide and I was so close, I wanted to stitch a bunch of vertical photos together side by side....which would show more of the bucket vertically.

So this is probably 6 vertical images stitched side by side, with the one you took that included me blended in. To be fair, photoshop does a lot of the work. But I go in and do a lot of the finishing to make it look seamless. And then adjust color/ contrast/ exposure etc etc.

It turned out to be a great picture though. Glad we stopped for it! Finally!

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