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Motorcycle license, Who has what


What kind of motorcycle license do you have?  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. What kind of motorcycle license do you have?

    • No motorcycle license at all :nono:
    • Temps only :(
    • Basic rider course only :)
    • Anything higher than the basic :D

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Sounds like your typical redneck small town cop that does what he wants, when he wants.

Karma's a bitch...

No i wouldnt say that.. do you really think we have time for writing tickets? im mean as far as looking for people on bikes with no license or riding at night time? lol.. there is alot more important stuff than that.. Domestic's, Fight Calls, 911 hang ups, Thefts, Building Checks, Code 4's, Money escorts, Serving Warrants, .. but i forgot.. "Sounds like your typical redneck small town cop that does what he wants, when he wants.." :rolleyes:

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No i wouldnt say that.. do you really think we have time for writing tickets? im mean as far as looking for people on bikes with no license or riding at night time? lol.. there is alot more important stuff than that.. Domestic's, Fight Calls, 911 hang ups, Thefts, Building Checks, Code 4's, Money escorts, Serving Warrants, .. but i forgot.. "Sounds like your typical redneck small town cop that does what he wants, when he wants.." :rolleyes:

Every profession has its assholes, and yours is no exception.

You've already shown that you're one of them, and I'm fairly certain that someday you'll run into one that has the integrity and respect for the job that you seem to lack.

Of course its always possible that you'll run into one thats a bigger ass than you are. Either way, you'll get what's coming to you.

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Every profession has its assholes, and yours is no exception.

You've already shown that you're one of them, and I'm fairly certain that someday you'll run into one that has the integrity and respect for the job that you seem to lack.

Of course its always possible that you'll run into one thats a bigger ass than you are. Either way, you'll get what's coming to you.

Thanks Buddy :wink:

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Don't get me wrong, I follow your logic that there are 'bigger fish to fry' in the world. But, the problem a lot of people have is the inconsistency in which the laws are enforced, and the fact that the enforcers don't even follow the laws. It's unjust that the enforcement is up to your discretion, small town or not.

Why is there a law that you need a permit / license to ride? Why is there a law that I need to carry insurance? Why is there a law that I have to drive a certain speed limit? Hell, there are a lot of people that would argue that they can safely control a motor vehicle into triple digit speeds, so should we let them?

While you may feel there is very little foundation behind these laws, apparently some people of influence have already decided for us - the people who elected those officials - that these laws are necessary and enforceable. The problem here is your subjectivity and lifestyle. You might cut a fellow biker a break, or someone not wearing a seatbelt if they aren't speeding - because there are 'bigger problems' to deal with, but there are other laws in place that you might feel are wrong and are arrestable offenses, while others may feel the laws are infringing on their rights (CCW is the only example I can think of now). Your 'choice' to enforce the ones that you live by, and not enforce the ones you break yourself is the general issue with a lot of cops.

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Thanks Buddy :wink:

You're welcome.

Just a thought - your insurance company would cover you if you had an accident while you had a passenger, or while riding at night, wouldn't they? Oh wait, those pesky insurance companies would require a valid endorsement on your license to cover you. You don't have that.


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Don't get me wrong, I follow your logic that there are 'bigger fish to fry' in the world. But, the problem a lot of people have is the inconsistency in which the laws are enforced, and the fact that the enforcers don't even follow the laws. It's unjust that the enforcement is up to your discretion, small town or not.

Why is there a law that you need a permit / license to ride? Why is there a law that I need to carry insurance? Why is there a law that I have to drive a certain speed limit? Hell, there are a lot of people that would argue that they can safely control a motor vehicle into triple digit speeds, so should we let them?

While you may feel there is very little foundation behind these laws, apparently some people of influence have already decided for us - the people who elected those officials - that these laws are necessary and enforceable. The problem here is your subjectivity and lifestyle. You might cut a fellow biker a break, or someone not wearing a seatbelt if they aren't speeding - because there are 'bigger problems' to deal with, but there are other laws in place that you might feel are wrong and are arrestable offenses, while others may feel the laws are infringing on their rights (CCW is the only example I can think of now). Your 'choice' to enforce the ones that you live by, and not enforce the ones you break yourself is the general issue with a lot of cops.

I understand everything you are saying.. such as the CCW. and how many cops do you know that follow every role out there? esp. in thier daily lives when they are not working? no one is perfect and not every cop is going to follow a perfect guildline.. just wont happend and never will. There is never going to be cops that are going to get in there personal car and drive 55mph on the dot and never exceed that limit because they are the law.. it will never happend..

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You're welcome.

Just a thought - your insurance company would cover you if you had an accident while you had a passenger, or while riding at night, wouldn't they? Oh wait, those pesky insurance companies would require a valid endorsement on your license to cover you. You don't have that.



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Yeah, and if it was only your ass at risk, I'd say take all the chances you can - ride without a helmet REALLY fast after a couple of beers with no lights on a really dark road. Keep in mind you're jeapordizing innocent people with your negligence.

I'm just curious though, how do you go from being a flunky at the county jail to being a cop at the ripe old age of 20?

I think the bottom line here is that law enforcement officers are held to a higher standard than the general public - and they should be. I believe there are other officers on the board, and I'd love to hear what they have to say about a "cop" like you.

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Yeah, I guess so.

I'm just curious though, how do you go from being a flunky at the county jail to being a cop at the ripe old age of 20?

I think the bottom line here is that law enforcement officers are held to a higher standard than the general public - and they should be. I believe there are other officers on the board, and I'd love to hear what they have to say about a "cop" like you.

The really funny thing is, you seemed to be really worried about and seem that you are really against cops.. just reading your profile "Trying To Stay Out Of Jail"? come on man? whats up with that?:nono:

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I agree that it won't happen - nobody is perfect. But, the crux of the issue is that your position not only offers you some level of 'protection' - for lack of a better term - from the law, but also allows you to decide how to apply the law to me, as a member of the general public. Those two items need to be congruent not disjointed - as your riding without a valid license at night and with passengers.

As an example, I'm sure there are a few cops out there that smoke pot every now and then (note: I don't smoke anything, never have, never will). If I get pulled over with a bag of mary jane, it would be the luck of the draw whether I get the cop that does a little recreational tokin' every now and then versus the cop who's son or daughter was run over by a guy high on weed. I might be responsible enough to handle a little of the sticky-icky without being a danger to the public - but that judgement is left up to two individuals that would take me down the path of two completely different outcomes. I mean, as a cop, you're typically the first contact point with the justice system and thus have a larger influence than you may realize on the direction that someone has to take through justice system.

Another example from another thread awhile back is speeding tickets and how cops that issue them were termed to basically 'rob' individuals of money through the fact that they have to pay higher insurance premiums. The impact of that decision to write or not write a ticket is heavily dependent on that individuals financial situation, which you don't know - thus potentially forcing people with little means to possibly drive without insurance.

What methods in your policing do you use to make sure everyone gets a 'fair shake'? What do you do to try to remove the subjectivity of your decisions? Based on your responses you police to the 'bigger fish to fry' theory, but is that necessarily the best method?

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We had this saying while I was in the Army.... Lead from the front and Lead by example, I understand we are all human, but we should all set the example for others to follow especially those in positions of authority, not just cops but judges, senator's, and all public officials in the view of the masses.............. Just my two cents.

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The really funny thing is, you seemed to be really worried about and seem that you are really against cops.. just reading your profile "Trying To Stay Out Of Jail"? come on man? whats up with that?:nono:

I'm not worried about anything - especially someone who "Works at Coshocton County Sheriffs Office". Just because someone works at a doctor's office doesn't mean they're a doctor. I find it amusing that someone who is charged with "upholding the law" flaunts the fact that he doesn't respect the law.

While I sincerely doubt you're actually a cop I'm pretty certain that you'd love nothing more than to drive around your two stoplight town in a big white car with lights on the top and a gun on your hip hassling all the people that fucked with you in high school. Maybe they'll actually give you more than one bullet, Barney Fife.

I'm sure the "I'm a cop with a bike" strategy might get you a hand job in your mom's basement every now and then, but being an asshole in a public forum just makes you an asshole with a Walter Mitty complex.

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I knew this thread would be fun when I saw it was 4 pages. I cant vote because I only have a license that I got by taking the test, riding for 13 yrs., moving out of state and back and taking it again. No MSF. School of Road Riding Experience.

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I cant vote because I only have a license that I got by taking the test, riding for 13 yrs., moving out of state and back and taking it again. No MSF. School of Road Riding Experience.

+1 But that's OK.......'Cause according to Mr.Brett.....We're too dumb to fully comprehend the all inclusive choices he laid out for us to vote on

Ofcr. Gruff.......Ummmm...Yeeeaahhhh.......As busy as you are, I'm sure you've got the 30 minutes it takes to go to your local license bureau & pass the short maneuverability test they put you through, so you can ride at night & carry passengers legally. I'm sure you already know as an officer of the law, you don't HAVE to take the MSF course....It's only a recommendation.

Others stated it correctly......You're a LEO.....You should be setting the example for the rest of us to follow

*** I notice you just changed your avatar Ofcr. Gruff???

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:lol:Hahahaha man i dont even work on the road. I work in the jail! i gotta be 21 to work the road! I guess i did get some people all worked up! Sorry bout that! But yeah im going to get my license but prolly just do the test and be done with it.. not the 3 day school. But anyway, anyone down for riding today? its pretty nice out?

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We had this saying while I was in the Army.... Lead from the front and Lead by example, I understand we are all human, but we should all set the example for others to follow especially those in positions of authority, not just cops but judges, senator's, and all public officials in the view of the masses.............. Just my two cents.

EXACTLY! He should have never opened his mouth, cause when he did, he stuck his foot so far in it its probably pokin out his lawbreakin ass!

When I had my temps, I followed ALL the restrictions to a tee until I got my full license. There is no excuse for his actions, and no one on this board will ever respect him now that hes "outed" himself and a bad cop, if he even trully is a cop.

Where does it end? Break the law a little here, a little there, afterall I'm a cop, "who's gonna send me to jail", pathetic.

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EXACTLY! He should have never opened his mouth, cause when he did, he stuck his foot so far in it its probably pokin out his lawbreakin ass!

When I had my temps, I followed ALL the restrictions to a tee until I got my full license. There is no excuse for his actions, and no one on this board will ever respect him now that hes "outed" himself and a bad cop, if he even trully is a cop.

Where does it end? Break the law a little here, a little there, afterall I'm a cop, "who's gonna send me to jail", pathetic.

Dont you have a scooter to ride?:lol:

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:lol:Hahahaha man i dont even work on the road. I work in the jail! i gotta be 21 to work the road! I guess i did get some people all worked up! Sorry bout that! But yeah im going to get my license but prolly just do the test and be done with it.. not the 3 day school. But anyway, anyone down for riding today? its pretty nice out?

Working in a Jail or on the road does not make a difference... neither does the county you work in. You signed up to protect and serve and uphold the law, I remember taking an oath when I joined the Army Im sure the local law enforcement anywhere is pretty much the same. I served this country and am very proud to live here and hate to see someone take and oath and walk out of a room and not apply what they swore to. INTERGRITY!

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Working in a Jail or on the road does not make a difference... neither does the county you work in. You signed up to protect and serve and uphold the law, I remember taking an oath when I joined the Army Im sure the local law enforcement anywhere is pretty much the same. I served this country and am very proud to live here and hate to see someone take and oath and walk out of a room and not apply what they swore to. INTERGRITY!

Have to agree with this. You do not need to be offering to protect and/or server anyone unless you are willing to sacrifice a little bit. Your oath is an oath because you cannot break it. You don't take an oath because you get to follow it whenever you want. I don't care if you're a rent a cop at a mall. You need to set the example, and if you're willing to argue this you have no right to get upset when someone doesn't show law enforcement the proper respect.

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:lol:Hahahaha man i dont even work on the road. I work in the jail! i gotta be 21 to work the road! I guess i did get some people all worked up! Sorry bout that! But yeah im going to get my license but prolly just do the test and be done with it.. not the 3 day school. But anyway, anyone down for riding today? its pretty nice out?

What a douche bag. You said you were a cop, then we all find out that you aren't. You delete your profile, and try to play it off.

Someday you'll be eatin grape jelly outta Bubba's ass...

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