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Coyote? Not any more...


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And in case you're wondering...

This is the difference in their tracks:

I've found bobcat, coyote and wild dog tracks in the woods.

No mountain lion.... yet.







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There are packs all over my hood, but I live in the sticks. They are typical country yotes, don't mess with garbage, farm animals or dogs too much. Plenty of other prey out here for them. You can hear them cackling in thr back fields most nights.

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My issue is the kill them all promoting, fear enticing, jack offs who only promote that train of thought to better the odds that grandma, who owns 500 acres, will let them hunt. They don't give a fuck about properly controlling the population , they just enjoy hunting and want a place kill shit so they can say they did. If you're in the shity, with too may yotes, I get it, kill away. Rant over.

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My issue is the kill them all promoting, fear enticing, jack offs who only promote that train of thought to better the odds that grandma, who owns 500 acres, will let them hunt. They don't give a fuck about properly controlling the population , they just enjoy hunting and want a place kill shit so they can say they did. If you're in the shity, with too may yotes, I get it, kill away. Rant over.

Can we get the Joel decoder ring for this one?


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My Father in law knows 100% for a fact that his Jack Russel was killed by yotes, 1 lured him in back to the others "he witnessed it" and he never came home.......he ALWAYS comes home. Of course those were country yotes, I have never seen more than 1 at any given time in my burb.

My parents had the same thing happened, but the yote died and not the dog. After a snow storm, the parents dogs would go nuts every night, dad would yell, dogs would go to the barn and go to sleep. Finally one clear, full moon night, the dogs went nuts again and dad finally saw why. He grabbed the gun and walked outside. His dogs, knowing that shit was about to hit the fan, darted for the barn. Dad shot at the yote and it tore off running. Thought he missed. Took the snowmobile out the next day and found it about 100 yds out in the field, frozen stiff.

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What are the legal implications on doing that?

Most muncipaities have ordinances prohibiting the discharge of any firearm within city limits. There are affirmative defenses for instances of home invasions, etc., but WITHOUT LOOKING UP ANY SPECIFIC CODES, I believe it's an M4 where I live. Probably a just a fine.

From an ORC perspective, it's been a while since I have looked it up, but my recollection is DO NOT FIRE OVER ANY ROADS, and don't create a "substantial risk of physical harm," or cause actual harm to any person, and you're still looking at misdemeanors. Probably an M1 though, so jail time is possible, and not completely unlikely.

Shooting downward so you can credibly and confidently say that any missed shots impacted the ground behind your target would be a good idea. Recovering the bullets from the ground with an impartial witness would be better.

Not getting caught would be best... I try to keep things inconspicuous and legal whenever possible. Pellet gun is about as far as I'll go unless a coyote is actively attacking my dog.

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Most muncipaities have ordinances prohibiting the discharge of any firearm within city limits. There are affirmative defenses for instances of home invasions, etc., but WITHOUT LOOKING UP ANY SPECIFIC CODES, I believe it's an M4 where I live. Probably a just a fine.

From an ORC perspective, it's been a while since I have looked it up, but my recollection is DO NOT FIRE OVER ANY ROADS, and don't create a "substantial risk of physical harm," or cause actual harm to any person, and you're still looking at misdemeanors. Probably an M1 though, so jail time is possible, and not completely unlikely.

Shooting downward so you can credibly and confidently say that any missed shots impacted the ground behind your target would be a good idea. Recovering the bullets from the ground with an impartial witness would be better.

Not getting caught would be best... I try to keep things inconspicuous and legal whenever possible. Pellet gun is about as far as I'll go unless a coyote is actively attacking my dog.

Or just use a bow. Silent killer.
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Or just use a bow. Silent killer.


And it's possible that you're only breaking hunting regulations at that point.  I've never looked up the law on use of bows on private property.  That's actually a good idea, and a solid argument for me to pick up a cheap recurve bow. 


Which reminds me - Brian, I assume you went to the same middle school as me, but you're a couple of years younger.  Did you still do archery in 7th grade?

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And it's possible that you're only breaking hunting regulations at that point.  I've never looked up the law on use of bows on private property.  That's actually a good idea, and a solid argument for me to pick up a cheap recurve bow. 


Which reminds me - Brian, I assume you went to the same middle school as me, but you're a couple of years younger.  Did you still do archery in 7th grade?


Archery, in today's age of parents and children? Unlikely. 

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Which reminds me - Brian, I assume you went to the same middle school as me, but you're a couple of years younger.  Did you still do archery in 7th grade?


I'm only 2 years behind you but yea we still did archery. No idea when they got rid of it though. My guess is not too long after my class since the 2 classes behind me were just all kinds of the worst. I should ask my sister, she might remember and is 2 years behind me

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I have checked in Berea dnr said if there is a yote posing a threat to take it with a bow. Berea said I am not allowed to shoot a bow by city regs. My neighbor who had her dog killed by a pack of them is not likely to call on me for shooting a yote with my bow. But the rest of the neighbors are a unknown. Have not had any near my house since they trapped a bunch a few years ago.

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Lol I don't think they make anything that quiet. My neighbors are already watchful of what I do. They think I'm some crazy hillbilly already from all the guns they see me take in an out of the house. I get the same looks when taking my bow in an out dressed in camo when I go deer hunting.

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A neighbors beagle pups got loose and ran into the woods and didn't come back for three days. Ooo the horror of this coyote infested area. The pups came back 1 by 1 with missing limbs. NOT! ;)

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Gump loves all things wild I have come to learn this over the years. He don't even shoot the big ass deer he has stomping around on his place. I understand why to some degree, but do not have his restraint. I would take the big guys after 5 years an knowing they past their genes on.

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What is the deal with bucks anyway?  I saw 2 with a doe near my house on Sunday.  The largest bucks I've ever seen in person (not that that's saying much), and one clearly had a larger rack.  I expected them to be fighting over the female, but the smaller one ran from us (wife, me, both dogs, and our toddler), not from the larger buck.   The larger buck didn't seem too bothered by us.  He kept his distance, but never raised his tail the way the smaller one did.  The doe was further off and never noticed us.


The smaller buck had returned by the time we were done playing on the swings and took the path back through the woods to our neighborhood. 

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They fight for females, the younger one might have been willing to just settle for sloppy seconds though.




The females fight too, but like girls as you might expect.


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I was just surprised to see two bucks so close to each other without any conflict.  Maybe they were grunting at each other and I just didn't hear. 


Our dogs don't know what to make of deer.  We see them very routinely in our neighborhood, and even more often if we walk them in the park.  They eye them like they're large dogs, whereas if they see a squirrel, they go into full-on predator mode and pull like crazy on the leash. 

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You're dealing with domesticated deer. All the ones that live in our hood now all hang out together. I had a similar incident the other night. Probably 8 deer in someones front yard and we were taking the dog for a walk. 3 of them were maybe 30ft from us when I finally noticed. Thought I would scare them off, 2 ran and the one Doe actually took a couple steps toward me like it wanted to throw down. I was ready for a fight but the wife freaked out :lol:

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Your coyote love is puzzling.

I "try" to manage my small parcel of this earth so the critters exist on it and believe strongly in managing the hunting pressure. I have excellent rabbit hunting but only because we don't hunt it but maybe 3 times a year. You can't hunt the hell out of something then wonder why you can't find any. Yotes I view like any other critter. I simply can't stand the brown it's down crowd. Normally this crowd is from the non-land owning crowd and they just want to hunt and don't respect shit, it's just a fun hobby for them. So, with that mindset we end up with the below.

Take a look at this timeline.


P.s. A beaver is making ponds on my property now, which is good. Haven't seen one in 15 years. Just a matter of time before some asshat wants to kill it or its poached.

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A neighbors beagle pups got loose and ran into the woods and didn't come back for three days. Ooo the horror of this coyote infested area. The pups came back 1 by 1 with missing limbs. NOT! ;)


Happy it worked out well for your neighbor, as I said before, did not fare so well for my Father in Laws dog.

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