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Ohio street legal Help


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He lied or purchased it out of state if he is the original owner.  In Ohio titling began in July 1999 for all bikes and quads. Every unit sold since then has a title. 

​Many people don't have the title transferred into their own name to avoid paying sales tax on the bike.  

Run the VIN here to see if anything comes up. 


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You no title no bike guys are outrageous. A ton of bikes are never titled. You can buy a bike no title brand new and just receive an MSO. Some dealers are weird about it, but you can do it this way.

Whenever I buy a bike no title, I run the VIN through a local PD to ensure no criminal activity associated with the VIN, then I purchase for far less, because it does drop value if no title.

You can file for a lost title in Ohio. Go to your local title office and get the ball rolling on it.

If the bike was never titled (common with OHV rigs) you'd need to locate the MSO (can be printed from original selling dealer) but when you go to title it, you'll owe taxes on original sale price.

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The last registered owner can apply for a lost title, not just anyone.

Ohio makes changing off-road to on-road titles easy, but it's nearly impossible to get a title re-issued to anyone other than the last owner the state has on record.

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  On 11/29/2015 at 6:31 PM, motocat12 said:

How good of a deal is it? If it's one of those must sell need cash ads, A thief could be trying to hock it before the owner gets back from holiday vacation and reports it stolen...

This guys is a friend of a friend he doesn't have it up for sale but said he would sell it if I wanted it.
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  On 11/29/2015 at 6:20 PM, redkow97 said:

The last registered owner can apply for a lost title, not just anyone.

Ohio makes changing off-road to on-road titles easy, but it's nearly impossible to get a title re-issued to anyone other than the last owner the state has on record.

Agree. The only way I know for someone (other than the person the state has on record) to get a title reissued is a mechanic's lien. Even then there are plenty of hoops to jump through.

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Try the information posted on this website http://www.dmv.org/oh-ohio/replacing-a-lost-title.php

It has a phone number to call that has information on replacing a title after purchase of a vehicle that doesn't have a title, but does have a bill of sale.

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If your seller provided you with a bill of sale but no title, contact the State of Ohio's Titling Support and Dealer Licensing Section as soon as possible. These offices can be reached at by phone at (614) 752-7671.



...but I suspect they're still just going to walk that owner through the lost title application process. When he says "I didn't get a title with it when I bought it," then what?  They need the name of the prior seller, and they will keep hunting until you get back to a recorded (registered) owner.  Tracking those people down is a huge pain.

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No title, no buy.


I was about to buy a car one time when the guy said; "I'll need a couple weeks to get my soon-to-be ex-wife to the sign the title over."   Remembering how much crap a buddy of mine had to go through to sell a jointly-owned vehicle during his divorce, I told this guy to call me when he had the title signed by her and I'd bring the cash right over, I lived 1/4 mile down the road.   Never heard from him again.



It's going to need a title if you want to run it on the road.  You will have to go back to the last person who had a title on it and have that person request a duplicate title and sign it over to you.


Has it ever been titled?  I know the Ohio BMV will allow you to list title summary info based upon VIN.  Does WV have the same thing?


How much money are you saving versus buying a bike with a title?  How much time will you spend getting it titled?  What will you do if you can't get it titled?   Or worse, if it comes back stolen or has a lien on it?


No title, no buy.

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Well ill just wait and find a bike with a title.I've been looking for a couple months and nothing has come up for sale within a few hour drive.maybe more people will start selling soon.Btw I am looking for a xr400 or 600 or 650 street legal if anyone knows of one. $2000 max. Thanks

Edited by Millertime83
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