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The key to a happy marriage?

Strictly Street

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Clearly it's not a motorcycle. But this is amusing...


The key to a happy marriage?



A tall husband: Couples with the biggest height differences found to have best relationships

  • Researchers found the greater the difference, the happier the wife is
  • But the effect faded over time and stopped altogether after 18 years 
  • Study based on 7,850 women collected from a long-term population survey
  • Women who opt for tall men are also more fertile, scientists suggest



So.... Short chicks?


But wait!

He added that the relationship between height and happiness ‘gradually weakened over time and entirely dissipated by 18 years of marital duration’.


So, there is no way to win?


After 20 years they all hate you. You ungrateful lout. Take the damn trash out will you!

Paging Tonik for equal hate time.

Edited by Strictly Street
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I'm 6'4" my wife is 5'3"ish and we've been together for 21 years (married for 19) and if anything we have a better relationship today than we did in the begining. No regrets at all,not a single one, she is a good girl. So that's scientific proof that scientific theories are BS..lol

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Tall guys love shorter women... makes us feel more powerful :)


yeah, I read another study, too, that also said that when the woman is perceived as more attractive than the man, the relationship does better.


Y'know, probably because the guys knows he can't be a douche and expect to keep a real "catch" around.  He has to work hard to earn it :)

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but who shrinks faster? if men shrink faster than women then the height difference would decrease as well. so over time the man might not be as tall leading to a happy marriage longer.

example: I grew .5 inches 2 years ago, and Hellmutt shrank over the last year or so. Now, he is not 11-12 inches taller than me, he is only 9.5 - 9.75 inches taller. So, our marriage Will now last longer. :D

in my head this makes perfect sense...

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Well, women's hearts shrink faster than men's. So perhaps they become cold hearted bitches?


On the other hand mens brains shrink faster. So perhaps they become more of a dumbass.


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