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my winter bike project!


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so when i first bought the bike it looked something like this:


i really didnt like it at all it was "gun metal grey" but it was really just grey... so i made it a project over winter to strip it down and paint it. and here are the pictures showing that progress.

first the idea, a rossi test bike something i hadn't seen before so i knew it would be a one of a kind (im sure there are some others out there but you get my point):


then my photoshop magic (just to get a little taste of color and some decal placement):


then start tearing down as you can see in this photo there was a lot of clean up work to be done to the bike underneath the skin, i redid the rimtape cleaned a bunch of grease and gunk off the engine case re routed hoses correctly, and a completely new electric harness throughout the bike this was all correcting the mistakes from the owner before me. things that i put on were new 520 vortex sprockets and EK chain because the shop i took it too said the chain was going to fall off any second...he got my attention real quick:


and the pieces i kept in our basement room, and painted outside in the snow:




putting her back together:



first stage of decals:



finally the decals i ordered from europe (they were too good of a deal to pass up):




the only thing left to do is a 01 tail conversion to clean up my undertail and cometically it will be all done

o yes and one more note: this was all done with spray paint from autozone. :D if you get really close you can tell but if your just standing looking at it its not noticeable at all.

if you see me around OSU campus feel free to stop by and say hi!

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