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Ride out west. Suggestions?


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So, I found a woman willing to put up with my motorcycling obsession and I married her Sunday. We leave Thursday evening to take a 10 day trip out west, with the FJR in tow.

The route westward is yet to be decided, and the motorcycling destinations are yet to be decided. But I'm thinking it might be cool to stop for a day of riding in the Ozarks. And then 3-4 days in Colorado. One goal for the trip is to spend time in the Grand Canyon area.

The itinerary will be flexible. I don't want to HAVE to be anywhere, at any specific time. But we do want to see the Grand Canyon.

Any suggestions for 'must see' areas? 'Must ride' routes? 'Must stop' lodging or accommodations? 

I think we want to make it a point to stay in old Route 66 motels and see interesting roadside attractions...like the dinosaur mouth in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. Hahaha

Ultimately I'd love suggestions on places and roads to ride, whether in Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, etc etc. The point is, the route is flexible. We'll go where the good motorcycling takes us. What say you, brethren of the long way home?

Edited by Blitz
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Thanks a lot guys. Pretty much decided she was the one when she kept asking me to take her for rides, and would rather spend the day on the back of the bike than just about anything else.

Great suggestions Casper! That's what I'm looking for. Any other ideas? I've got an open slate of ten days just waiting to be filled with destinations and roads.

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In CO, hit Pikes Peak around Colorado Springs (busy place, tho), ride up Mt Evans on the highest paved road in NA, do the San Juan Skyway loop around 160/550/145 Durango/Cortez/Delores/Silverton/Ouray/Telluride, Loveland Pass on US6.  Check out historic Leadville and then ride over Independence Pass on CO82 to Aspen just to rub shoulders with the cognoscenti.

Sounds like you'll be pressed for time, but if you get farther west into UT, you can't go wrong visiting the Arches and Canyonlands NP, or take the ferry across the Glen Canyon Reservoir to Bullfrog. Lastly, if you ever get the chance to see Zion NP, do the Angel's Landing hike.  Pretty sure that's where God--or Yaweh, or Mohammed, or Budha--go when they need a vacation.

When you head out riding for the day, be prepared for just about anything weather related, especially if you plan on bagging the higher passes.  I've been out there in the July/August time frame and run into snow/sleet/freezing temps...and that's after leaving in the morning with temps in the 80s.  This time of year, there are frequent late afternoon thunderstorms at the higher elevations from 1 until 5ish, with torrential rain and a lightening show worthy of admission.  Do your road tripping early!!!


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The two best roads I've been on in America...highway 1 in California and  Arizona 191 from Alpine to Morinzi(sic).You'll be a long way from 1,but not to far from 191.Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico is one of the most overlooked treasures in the National Park System.

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Congratulations. The "west" is a big place. If you stop in the Ozarks ride the Pig Trail for the twisties. If you get to the Pacific Northwest go along the west coast of the Olympic peninsula & hit up the Hoh rainforest for the scenery. I could go on & on but I'm sure you'll figure it out.  Have fun man.

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Thanks guys! Some great suggestions.

I doubt we make it to the Pacific NW, as much as I'd like to. It's beautiful up there. I think Colorado will be as far north as we get, and Arizona will be as far west.

I'll be sure to post pics of the journey. I imagine I'll try to hit some of these spots, as I don't have much else guiding me, at the moment.

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Most definitely see the Grand Canyon. After viewing "the big ditch" go south to Flagstaff where the Aspens grow then Southeast to the Mogollon Rim where Zane Grey had a hunting cabin, beautiful country. You could drop down into the Desert but I would stay up in the higher elevations this time of year. The best time to view the Desert is in February when the Cacti are in bloom. Enjoy!

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Lol, sounds like you created a monster down at The Gap this spring Jamie. Congrats man.


New Mexico has been mentioned but I'll say it again. The areas around Los Alimos are really beautiful and so is the drive up to the ski area from Santa Fe. There's a place called Ten Thousand Waves in Santa Fe that is a spa/resort I'd recommend. It's set up like a Japanese onsen with open air baths and all that. If you do end up in NM, send me a PM... may have an idea on lodging for you that's reasonably priced and just outside Santa Fe.


Southern Colorado is really cool too, around Pagosa Springs/Durango. There's all kinds of scenery and roads north of Pagosa Springs in the national forest.

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