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OR Forum addiction: ORddicts


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who got it ?

how do you tackle it without being completely off ?


Personally as I was just telling pauly yesterday once I start some thing I cant control and jump in with both feet and keep sinking down the rabbit hole. against my better judgment I am always looking at forum when riding the elevator walking etc like a freaking teenager. I was borderline proud of myself for not indulging in any other social media fiasco and activities and here I am stuck in here like a kid with pokemon go.

I keep posting and posting and for god sakes all with no use to any one and just babbling away lol


So to tackle the issue I am just gonna post for a few more days to get the epic ride video settled  and then go on a forum sabbatical. Last time I did it for months and  I almost forgot my user name password. Plus id ont think I will be able to post any more in rides and events for a while.


Any other ways you guys curb your enthusiasm ?  the OR "clicky" don't say anything, some of you guys are worse than me. :D Probably refreshing 30 times a min for new replies Freaking ORddicts



Why make a post here, this will sort of reinforce the decision and give strength to stay away. Cause if I keep posting a lot after this thread that possibly will result in huge humiliation by the likes of cold tonic water in issac cubes.

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2 minutes ago, Danimal said:

Riding a motorcycle is a good alternative to posting on a forum about riding motorcycles.

Thats what I do

exactly, so on the days when u don't get to ride this feels like the closest thing to riding. :( that's the problem I thing.

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4 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

I have the board open every day at work in a tab in IE. When I need to take a 5 minute break or something, I just go to the OR tab lol.

My name is Tim, and I am addicted to OR.


I used to until Derek developed a fondness for plastic penis.   Now I just use my phone.  Not going to try to explain that to the internet proxy team.  They hate me already.  I don't need to give them an excuse.

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I'm always on at work. Myself and my counter part take a never ending break cycle some days. As long as the machine is running he company doesn't care how many breaks we take. So like 20 min out of every hour I have time to kill and just jump on here. Over 9000 post in just 6 years, yea I might have a problem but there are worse things.

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15 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

I have the board open every day at work in a tab in IE. When I need to take a 5 minute break or something, I just go to the OR tab lol.

My name is Tim, and I am addicted to OR.

Same for the most part.....right now I also have CCS, WERA and N2's classifieds open as well, that way I can just click refresh

12 minutes ago, Jester_ said:

Replace it with a track addiction. 

Think these two posts are very fitting to be quoted together..

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I'm not going to lie, I'm a social media guy.  I enjoy it.  Mostly instagram/YT because of my channel and it's all mostly motorcycle stuff and Facebook because I'm a millennial.  I'm constantly going over my data limits because of it. And then there's OR, but that's really not much a data hog being mostly text and a few images. 


Rather than think it's a problem, just embrace it.  There are far worse things in the world than constantly browsing a motorcycle forum full of incredible people :banana: 

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OR definitely keeps me going through the winter.  Misery loves company, so at least talking about motorcycles and riding is better than nothing at all!  Oh, almost forgot, there is that FIRST thing as well.

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