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Best Damn Coffee


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Yes... the best damn coffee does not come from Starbucks and I'm going to teach you how to make it.
The method is as ancient as 15'th century Turkish coffee and you don't need a $100 K-Cup or $200 Espresso machine that clutters your counter to make it.   
There is no acidic after taste and you get the full body flavor of a French Press without messy cleanup and filters.

So, here it is, easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy.

Get yourself a bag of your favorite flavored ground coffee.
Get yourself a pot and add 4 cups of water.
Add 2 teaspoons of that brown gold.
Bring it to a boil and let it simmer for a few minutes, maybe five.
With a fine filter strain the coffee into a serving vessel and your cup.
All the grounds should be in the strainer and can be easily dumped in the trash.
Rinse an put away... you're done!

Now, if you want to throw two eggs into the pot and do a 5 minute egg while camping or whatever, now  you got your self a complete breakfast.


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33 minutes ago, 2talltim said:

Well damn does this mean you guys are under new sponsorship now? :lol: 




Noooooooooo!!!  Damn you!  My beautiful bike!  What the hell did you do to it!?
LMAO... Screw Starschmucks. ;) 


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Boiling coffee extracts tannins which make it bitter. 


Best coffee is half and half Sumatra and Italian roasted arabica  cold steeped or made with a French press. I prefer cold steeping as it doesn't extract tannins or bitter oils, also because I like ridiculously strong iced coffee. 

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1 hour ago, CrazySkullCrusher said:

Also 2 teaspoons to 4 cups?


That's because you are cold steeping.  
Maybe I'm oblivious to tannins... but I sure make a mean cup of joe.
Try it, you'll like it... smooooooooooth, rich and strong.
Heck... get freaky and put in five tablespoons.

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2 hours ago, CrazySkullCrusher said:

Try bringing the water to a boil, then removing from heat and adding the coffee..
Also try differentiating between teaspoons and tablespoons. 
Definitely try cold steeping. 

Unless you are using a grind finer than medium ground (typical peculator grind) you really don't need that much coffee.

Turkish, extra fine, is outstanding but you're practically eating the coffee if you don't wait for the grounds to settle. And even when the grinds do settle, you are still eating the bean. 

Espresso, fine, is great for ramrodding pressurized heated water through it.  You are still eating bean but not as bad as Turkish coffee.  

But medium fine to fine is great for my process.  You are still eating some bean, but you are also trapping the grounds with the filter.

To make Turkish coffee you use 1 teaspoon of coffee for every 3 oz of water, that's about 10 teaspoons for my 4 cups of water.  And you drink Turkish coffee when the grinds are finally settled after the pour.  It's thick as mud.  I used to drink coffee like that but that's too much effort, and not enough holding a warm cup enjoyment.  I'm not living in the 6th century and need to run off on my camel somewhere.

For normal potted coffee Maxwell suggests 24 teaspoons of medium ground coffee for 10 cups coffee.  That's 9.6 teaspoons for my 4 cups of water. 

Now, compare a cup of Turkish coffee with a cup of Maxwell.  
They use nearly the same amount of coffee to water but have a different process and a very different grind.   
You will see that the Turkish coffee is much, much stronger, blacker, thicker and full flavored.  
That's because all the flavor is removed from the bean and some of it is floating as a cloud in the water.

This also explains why you have to use a mountain of coffee to make your cup of joe.  
Not only are you using a medium grind there's also no bean cloud in your water.
And hot water releases so much complex flavors of the bean.  Adding heat is a chemistry which allows different molecules of flavors to be formed.
Your cold water specifically does not release acids and tannin which is useful for people with sensitive stomachs when it comes to acid.

Just as I cannot image eating French Onion soup made from cold water, to me coffee made the same way will have the same results.

But... keeping an open mind, and having done my research. I'm willing to give it a shot.  
What can I say, I like science and food.

If you and I meet at an event we'll have to share our coffees and broaden our horizons.


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Ill just keep drinking my Tim hortons k cups at work and at home tea. And no not your pussy bitch Americanized beverage. I either do Yorkshire or PG tips. I've given those 2 to "seasoned" tea drinkers who claim Lipton earl grey is good tea. And they can't drink the tea I drink because it is too manly tasting. 

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