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How do you guys feel about these "New Age" bike raffles?


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.... I mean YouTube contributors? What am I talking about? Take a look at the new YouTube guys out there, ChaseOnTwoWheels is now doing "Wrecked Bike Rebuilds" on his channel, and 650iB is also giving away bikes now. 

Chase, finely got some help on his rebuild, before that, you were watching a real moron rebuild a wrecked bike, then give it away to a Patreon contributor.

650iB videos are OK'ish with his videos, but could use some work. Then gives away the bike to a Patreon contributor.  

Youtube doesnt really pay out that much, even with the views these guys are getting. 

But go ahead and and take a look at the Patron pages 

https://www.patreon.com/chaseontwowheels is making 8K !!!! and episode... and thats about 12 episodes... so like $96,000 for that zx10 hes building.

https://www.patreon.com/650ib is making $5,200 per episode.... so about $67,600 for that BMW he is building now. Looks like he has some catching up to do, with Chase. 

Honestly, they all are doing good work, but im not sure how i feel about what they are using this Patreon accounts for. Its turning it into a form of gambling really. I guess as long as they keep making decent videos, and dont loose focus of what they are really doing.

Also im salty i didn't think of it first



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9 minutes ago, motocat12 said:

same as airwave networks producing a show and hoping to cover the cost with advertising.

Not quite... This would be like asking your listeners to please "Donate" $5 a month, and you get a chance to win this "shiny used car"

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