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Who are the OR.net Mid-Ohio instructors?


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Looking to get Isaac onto the race track this season. He has the motorcycle itch and I plan to help him scratch it. He is currently studying for his temporary permit, then he will take the Ohio Basic Rider Course. Pending on his enthusiasm for riding (read: motivation and attitude), I plan on helping him settle into a capable starter bike this spring. 

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I have been to a N2 track day. CBRs with bald tires passing tech inspection? Multiple crashes and a life flight before lunch? Control riders making passes so close they take down other riders?

Not happening. Not up for discussion. 

So, who are the Mid-Ohio instructors on this forum? 


Edited by Pauly
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I know it is not what you are asking for, Though I'm a coach with Sportbike Track Time. Have him come to one of our events, we have one of the best Novice instructional classes in the business. feel free to contact me , we have a new rider program that could help out as well.

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50 minutes ago, Pauly said:

I have been to a N2 track day. CBRs with bald tires passing tech inspection? Multiple crashes and a life flight before lunch? Control riders making passes so close they take down other riders?

Not happening. Not up for discussion. 

So, who are the Mid-Ohio instructors on this forum? 


Wow. Literally none of that happened at mine. Maybe they used to be shit, idk. At my track day a single rider went off track into the grass. No wrecks. But I can see how your experience has soured you on them, so good luck and have fun with your boy. 

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7 minutes ago, Gixxus Christ! said:

Wow. Literally none of that happened at mine. Maybe they used to be shit, idk. At my track day a single rider went off track into the grass. No wrecks. But I can see how your experience has soured you on them, so good luck and have fun with your boy. 

I won't go into anything beyond my personal experiences. It sounds like they either had a bad day, or have since cleaned house with their staff and management. It doesn't really matter at this point. There are too many other quality choices out there. 

I am glad you had a good time. Looking forward to riding with you this season. 

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17 minutes ago, Pauly said:

I won't go into anything beyond my personal experiences. It sounds like they either had a bad day, or have since cleaned house with their staff and management. It doesn't really matter at this point. There are too many other quality choices out there. 

I am glad you had a good time. Looking forward to riding with you this season. 

I'm gonna try and hit mid o this year. Bitch of it is I dont have a dedicated track whore and insurance won't cover my gsxs on a track. So I can either drop a few grand on a  bike I'll probably get 4 or 5 weekends out of per year or I can risk wadding up a year old $12k bike and eating the cost. Yeah yeah, I know, dont wreck and itll be fine. 


We must meet this spring for burritos and a beer. But not chipotle, fuck them and their anti-science woo-fuckery. 

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3 hours ago, Pauly said:

Thanks, Jason. I will look at STT's schedule and get back to you. 

Jacob and I ran a STT day in November and they did a good job all around, tech was strict and so were the CRs on track. From what I saw, their N group was pretty controlled too, it seemed like they broke into groups and followed the coach and each group was running a different pace. 


Mid-O instructors on here, I think the only one might have been @rusty but I don't know who is still teaching there with their new rules - nothing that affects the riders, just the CRs. Rusty will let a person know when they are doing stupid shit and how they suck at riding and should ride more like him. He means well, russians just show kindness in a different way, mainly hostility. 😂

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On 1/26/2019 at 1:21 AM, Gixxus Christ! said:

Take him to an N2 track day at PIRC. Jester is a control rider for N2 and azn tim is always there. I haven't ran mid o, but everyone tells me Pitt is a better track and has better pavement. 


Excuse my unsolicited advice. 

If you rode COTA I'm sure you could say that PIRC is trash in comparison, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't ride it.    Yes, MID-O traction sucks in the wet, but pick a solid day in the summer and you'll have a blast.  Plus, MID-O novice days I believe are way more structured than N2.  No passing, etc.  

I think that's a better option for a beginner rider. 

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On 1/26/2019 at 12:44 AM, Pauly said:

Looking to get Isaac onto the race track this season. He has the motorcycle itch and I plan to help him scratch it. He is currently studying for his temporary permit, then he will take the Ohio Basic Rider Course. Pending on his enthusiasm for riding (read: motivation and attitude), I plan on helping him settle into a capable starter bike this spring. 

If you let us know when Issac is going to Mid-O, I'm sure some of us more regular attendees, if not coaches, would be happy to share a pit with him and whatnot.  Leave the coaching to the professionals of course, but I know the first time I went (by myself, didn't know anyone) it was an extra bit of nervewracking and seeing a friendly face waiting after your session is nice.

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9 hours ago, Reactor said:

I have been known to help a few riders during my time at Mid-O. The coaches there are always willing to help make the day safe, successful and fun for everyone.

A few coaches really specialize in helping first time track riders. Everyone there pretty much knows who they are, just ask anyone wearing a jersey and they will point you in the right direction. 

If you don't want the fun to stop after the riding is over for the day, just follow your nose. I am normally the one grilling food for 10 or more. Pull up a chair, grab something from the cooler and come say hi.

See y'alls there!

Solid second post. 

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I’m not currently but I did coach Novice on and off for 2 seasons. I’m still a part time track medic there. Probably coach some when new bike comes in. What did you need to know? 

Isaac isn’t 18 yet though is he? Mid O doesn’t allow under 18. Some of the the other orgs do but Mid O doesn’t. Current insurance will not cover minors. 

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20 hours ago, DerekClouser said:

  Plus, MID-O novice days I believe are way more structured than N2.  No passing, etc.  

There is no other Novice program that I’ve seen that is more structured than PTR at Mid O. It’s definitely a good deal for a very inexperienced rider. 

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On 1/26/2019 at 10:39 AM, Pauly said:

I have been to a N2 track day. CBRs with bald tires passing tech inspection? Multiple crashes and a life flight before lunch? Control riders making passes so close they take down other riders?

Not happening. Not up for discussion. 

So, who are the Mid-Ohio instructors on this forum? 


What year was this? For as long as I've known you, you haven't touched the track so it's been at least, what 5-6 years? I'm sad you had a bad experience, that kind of stuff doesn't happen anymore. Sounds like NESBA, which yea a lot of CR's came over from but N2 is a completely different organization than NESBA was. And many people that have ridden with both N2 and NESBA say they are night and day.

Mid-O's Novice group is very structured and it's probably not a bad place to get started if you don't want to go the STT/N2 route.

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On 1/26/2019 at 10:39 AM, Pauly said:

I have been to a N2 track day. CBRs with bald tires passing tech inspection? Multiple crashes and a life flight before lunch? Control riders making passes so close they take down other riders?

Not happening. Not up for discussion. 

So, who are the Mid-Ohio instructors on this forum? 


Just an FYI that was nesba as we talked about this when I took Lyns out in novice with motoseries at Pitt. Not looking to change your mind just letting you know that N2 is not the same.

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I've heard nothing but good things about N2.  I'm sure it's a great organization and I'm excited to get out and do my first couple N2 days, but the Novice PTR day through Mid-Ohio is so well structured and would be a better starting place for a beginner rider who wants to test out the track *such as the situation with @Pauly's son Isaac*.  Not having to worry about getting passed, learning the proper lines, learning how to get on and off the track properly and safely are all important tools to learn for a new rider.    

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