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Walmart open carry, Sept 3, 2019


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Does anyone care about Walmart's open carry policy change that other companies also adopted? Is the next step to not allow concealed carry? I'm thinking, I can't boycott all those companies, but I could boycott the biggest one who fired the first shot!


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9 minutes ago, vf1000ride said:

In Ohio anybody can legally post a sign and prevent you from carrying a firearm.  Just because Walmart added their name to the list doesn't affect me because I haven't stepped foot in a Walmart in almost 10 years as it is.  

Did you read the story? Not just about Walmart.

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22 minutes ago, hiro said:

Does anyone care about Walmart's open carry policy change that other companies also adopted? Is the next step to not allow concealed carry? I'm thinking, I can't boycott all those companies, but I could boycott the biggest one who fired the first shot!


What's the point of the date in your title? Other than that's when they made the statement? Other than that sill don't see the point of the date. Kinda confused me, but that is easily done. 

Edited by 2talltim
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2 hours ago, 2talltim said:

Did you read the story? Not just about Walmart.

Actually no because they refuse to allow browsers with an adblock enabled to view their content so therefore I refuse to disable it and let them make money off of me.  So fill in the crowd and let us know who else I already probably don't shop with that I should now also avoid.

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1 hour ago, MidgetTodd said:

I absolutely support no open carry. 

IMO the ones that open carry are attention whores simply trying to look like a bad ass.


I carry frequently.  The only times I can justify open carry is something like hiking or camping if I'm well off the beaten path.

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Doesn't the no guns allowed sign have to be in a completely open and obvious area on an entrance? If its a 2 inch sticker at the bottom of a window 3 windows away from the actual door, cant you make an argument it wasnt clearly displayed?

Unless it's in my face, I usually walk right in. 

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23 hours ago, MidgetTodd said:

I absolutely support no open carry. 

IMO the ones that open carry are attention whores simply trying to look like a bad ass. You induce panic among some and make yourself the first target to those wishing to do harm. 

I open carry frequently because I don't have to beg the government for permission to do so in the state of Ohio.  Thanks to US v DeBerry, Brown v Texas, Terry v Ohio and Hiibel v Sixth District, I can do so legally.  

I'm one of those people that don't want to give the government any more info on me than I absolutely have to.  You have a CCW, then they know you have firearms.  And when the mandatory buy-backs or red flag laws get enacted, you'll be relieved of your firearms "for your own protection". 

I don't think a gun on my hip or leg makes me look bad ass, but it certainly would make any criminals know they risk being shot if they accost me.  I have a business where I deal in a lot of cash and I'm in very isolated places with complete strangers.  I keep my distance and have excellent situational awareness.  You don't have to agree with me, but I won't call you an attention whore or a coward either for your dissent.  

U.S. v. DeBerry = mere lawful carrying of a firearm does not constitute Reasonable Suspicion of a crime (emphasis added).
Brown v. Texas = no requirement to show ID where no Reasonable Suspicion(specific and articulable facts) of a crime is evident.
Terry v. Ohio = Illegal to detain an individual without Reasonable Suspicion(specific and articulable facts) that a crime has been committed.
Hiibel v. Sixth District = no requirement to show ID in a "Stop and ID" state where no Reasonable Suspicion(specific and articulable facts) of a crime is evident.

Edited by CJ74U2NV
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I do not OC, but I disagree with the notion that invites trouble from bad elements. When gun owners start nit-picking each other for their preferred method of carry, we are divided and thus more vulnerable. Nobody should be discouraging fellow citizens from carrying in their preferred legal manner. The OC scary gun talk is tiresome and unfounded. There is not sufficient evidence that supports the claims of those that oppose it. You don't like open carry? Cool, but that doesn't mean you are correct about it. 

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OC is likely to lead to unwanted attention and hassles. 

If the police get a call about "a guy with a gun" they are going to respond.  You'll probably get your chance to explain your open carry rights in person.

It's also disruptive.  There was a guy that would open carry at the Car Wash I used to own (in not the best part of town).  It made my other customers uncomfortable, some of them spoke to me about it.  Some I never saw again.  I asked the guy not to open carry at my business, he was fine with it.

Am I carrying?  What am I carrying?  That's no one's business but mine.

Edited by Tpoppa
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I agree. Totally reasonable stance. That doesn't mean OC invites trouble. I used to OC quite a bit. The only time I got any heat from it was at a Giant Eagle, where the MIC decided to accost me in frozen foods. He basically told me to leave my cart of groceries and never come back. I obliged, but made a call to corporate. They responded with apologies and let me know their company policy is to mimic local law and their manager would be retrained on how to properly address that kind of situation in the future. So, in my case, open carry actually created an opportunity to educate a raging moron on how to leave law-abiding citizens alone when carrying a firearm. 

The truth is there is no perfect, ideal way to carry a gun within a free society...except within the limitations of the laws in place. I will never put blame on someone following the law. If you don't prefer OC, then don't OC. It is that simple. 

That was the only time OC ever brought a disruption to my life and it ended with me being apologized to. So, in my own personal experiences, open carry didn't create a shit storm. It created a forum for discussion and civility. Most of the time, nobody noticed my gun. 

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2 minutes ago, Pauly said:

The only time I got any heat from it was at a Giant Eagle, where the MIC decided to accost me in frozen foods.

Is that how it went down?

Or did a customer notice, and mention to other customers or employees who then told the manager there was "a guy with a gun" threatening the frozen burritos?  Then the manager approached you?  That's what happened in my case.  I thought it was disruptive.

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He was stocking the freezer and he noticed my gun and approached me. He was the lead stock clerk in stock clerk clothing. I asked if he had a manager and he told me he was the MIC at the time.

I even helped an old woman reach some baking goods on a top shelf and she never squirmed or mentioned my giant black pistol as she thanked me for coming to her aid. 

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3 hours ago, CJ74U2NV said:

I open carry frequently because I don't have to beg the government for permission to do so in the state of Ohio.  Thanks to US v DeBerry, Brown v Texas, Terry v Ohio and Hiibel v Sixth District, I can do so legally.  

I'm one of those people that don't want to give the government any more info on me than I absolutely have to.  You have a CCW, then they know you have firearms.  And when the mandatory buy-backs or red flag laws get enacted, you'll be relieved of your firearms "for your own protection". 

Well that’s a lot of tin foil. 

You don’t have to beg, you just fill out a form. Done. 

You are not giving them any info, your info to any government agency is readily available to them, I assure you even more info than you can fathom.  


As for your legal quotes you are correct sir. However. I’ll add that you absolutely can be detained, relieved of your firearm and charged for carrying a concealed weapon if any LEO or FAO approaches you for an interaction directly with you and they cannot see your firearm on approach. 

Example, the approach from front and it’s a rear draw. Approach from left and it’s a right draw. 

FWIW and All due respect and shit.  

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56 minutes ago, MidgetTodd said:

Well that’s a lot of tin foil. 

You don’t have to beg, you just fill out a form. Done. 

You are not giving them any info, your info to any government agency is readily available to them, I assure you even more info than you can fathom.  


As for your legal quotes you are correct sir. However. I’ll add that you absolutely can be detained, relieved of your firearm and charged for carrying a concealed weapon if any LEO or FAO approaches you for an interaction directly with you and they cannot see your firearm on approach. 

Example, the approach from front and it’s a rear draw. Approach from left and it’s a right draw. 

FWIW and All due respect and shit.  

Shouldnt all LEO interactions while carrying start with "I am a licensed ccw holder and my weapon is "here""

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