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Question: Motorcycle Gear for Kids


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I have a couple kids that are showing a lot more interest in hopping on the bike with me. I've taken them around the neighbor around 25 mph with my helmet on just for fun. I won't take them out further than that without gear.

Wanted to reach out for tips and advice on buying gear for the little ones. Gear can get expensive and these kids grow quick. Any thoughts from your own experience on gearing these kids up? Also, should I just buy everything for them used?

One kid is 11 the other is 8 if that matters. 

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I tried to figure this out for the grandkids. I had no luck. Hope it goes better for you. That said, your helmet is of no use for them, and probably would make it worse. Their heads will bounce and take multiple impacts. At that low a speed their bicycle helmets may be a better choice.

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I bought a helmet for my girls initially, and it still fits. It is a basic black full face helmet that I picked up on clearance locally. We had Atv gloves laying around they wore at first. A year or so later I found a Speed & Strength riding shirt that was kind of a flop and didn’t sell well, so I got it for next to nothing. I’ve always made them wear jeans and a pair of hi-tops tennis shoes at least. Before Tory and I took our trip to The Tail I bought her a pair of good gloves. I treated it no different than getting gear for myself. I accumulated things over time. If you shop clearance on websites like Rocky Mountain and Bike Bandit you can get some great gear at super prices. Checkout Iron Pony as well. 

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1 hour ago, Tonik said:

I tried to figure this out for the grandkids. I had no luck. Hope it goes better for you. That said, your helmet is of no use for them, and probably would make it worse. Their heads will bounce and take multiple impacts. At that low a speed their bicycle helmets may be a better choice.

Yeah, I agree on the helmet. It is more of a visual thing, so I don't get glares from neighbors more than anything else. That is a good idea on the bicycle helmet. I plan to take them on some 45-55 mph roads, but don't want to do that until I properly gear them up. 

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I ended up running to Iron Pony this morning since I live right around the corner. I was able to find a youth helmet, and women's jacket and gloves for the kids. The jacket and gloves are a bit large, but they'll be able to grow into it. I bought fairly cheap stuff on clearance. I got the helmet, jacket and gloves for just under $100. I'd like to go back with the taller kid to see if I can fit her into some offroad dirtbike over pant with pads since they seem to have youth sizes. As for boots, I'll try to find an alternative since they both have different shoe sizes.

Fortunately, right now, they both have the same head size, so they helmet is a solid fit.

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