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part of what's wrong with our country


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ok bare with me i'm often terrible at telling a story.   so some background,  I'm a glazier.  I work with glass.  we have a local company that we buy glass from.  we send over orders, they make the glass.  this company has been around for decades.  so, I got a call from the girl who works there and who's job it is to go over these orders.    she tells me that (see attached picture) that my measurements dont make sense to her.  I need to give her more information.   ok now if you look at that picture.  the curved grids are 5/8 wide.  they have to match a lower window so their placement and spacing is important.   I said what more do you need?  she needs to know the measurement to the center of the grids.  I said it's right there on the paperwork.  you have all the info you need.  she got snippy and said no, it's not. that's the measurement from the inside edge to inside edge.  and I said you know how wide the grid is do the math.  she insists I redraw it so she can make it the the correct size.   

this just set me over the top thinking about why I have to deal with someone that clearly doesn't know a god damn thing about building things.   am I wrong here?  I literally had to explain to her that if you add 5/8 to 11 1/4 thats 11 7/8 to the center of those.  because half of 5/8 is 5/16. you're going half way through 2 of them so at 11 7/8 will be their centers. all the info you need is right in front of you and it's impossible to make it wrong based on my drawing.   she said no, you need to draw it the other way so she can understand it.  I wanted to call her a window licking, face mask wearing dipshit liberal. now at this point i've wasted 15 mins on the phone and have to resubmit a drawing and wait for it to come back up in her pile.  I'm sure she'll call me again with another dipshit question.

I worked at a machine shop before.  that is more info than what I got on engineering drawings. and if I needed to ask the engineers a question about something like that they would say I don't have any business doing that job.  

is this our country now?  am I wrong for being this upset? why can't this company train these people better or hire people with skills.  I think we are fucking doomed as a nation folks unless we take a different approach with education.


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1 hour ago, serpentracer said:

I wanted to call her a window licking, face mask wearing dipshit liberal.


1 hour ago, serpentracer said:

I think we are fucking doomed as a nation folks unless we take a different approach with education.

As an educator I would tell you I feel we get softer and softer on our students. It’s near criminal to fail students nowadays. It seems administrators are only concerned about testing numbers and not getting phone calls from parents. And a lot of parents are loco. Look around, kids are practically bubble wrapped so they don’t get hurt. Don’t even think about hurting there little feelers, mommy will be there in a heartbeat pitching a fit. Every class I took in education always came back to expectations. It seems the only expectation recently is that you can take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. Cover those two and and that kid better pass. 

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I believe “common core” math is to blame.  I have no idea how a child who is taught common core math can transition to algebra, geometry, trigonometry or calculus without a struggle.  I do hold hope that some children have been retaught the old/correct way because of quarantine and most parents were educated the way I was - long division, etc the old school way without a calculator.

Then again I’m a math nerd without kids so what do I know?  I mean like besides how to solve for X.  😂

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It is the whole system. If the state's gave money based on improvement in scores instead of consistency or high test scores the teachers could then do their jobs correctly. In community college you must apply yourself or risk failing. The highest paying jobs and technical (including medical) are going to people who are educated outside the US. Math and science in K-12 in places like Nepal are advanced beyond our 1st year of college courses. 

Covid is a good excuse to go back to the old days (1800-1900) of teaching (fewer surfaces to touch and 1 class room all day.

Math and English was the focus and it was not easy. Good pinmanship was a must as well as proper English.

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what really kills me with this is they need me to make them a paper pattern of that shape so they can cut it.  but I have to make a wide enough black marker line around the edge so the "scanner" can see it so it's in their software for the CNC cutter.   so hold up, you mean to tell me I have to make you a patter for something you can literally punch the numbers into the software and make a arch with it.  don't tell me this isn't possible, I've used cad software.  you don't scan shit into it from a picture you take of it.  I literally do not understand what they are doing with this pattern now.  they're making me waste several hours making those if they are using a cnc cutter. I have to go to the house and make it from the old one then add an inch to the size (1/2" all the way around).  it takes me a lot of time.  why the fuck are they scanning it when they have CAD software?  oh that's right, the don't know how to fucking use it....

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Part of what's wrong with our country is instantly thinking her math and spacial awareness skills are related to her political stance (which I'm sure you don't know), and says a lot more about you than her, snowflake. 😘

Why don't you pick yourself up by your bootstraps and find a new supplier, like a real conservative?


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