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Sport Bikes look out


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Originally posted by Slowica GT:

Here's a new concept...don't drive like a fuckin' idiot and the cops will leave you alone. Obviously there are enough morons on bikes to warrant a crack-down. Ride responsibly and you won't have shit to worry about.

I have to disagree with ya and I graduated from the police academy last year. 2 years ago I was on 670 and a Sheriff pulled next to me. I was not speeding. He pulls me over and said I was leaning back in my seat to far. I told him it was harassment and the fucker said oh yeah and then gave me a ticket for a cracked windshield. Some are cool but a lot of them are ass holes.
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i don't know what the deal with the vin was i donno if they get a vin when they run your plates. my plate is gay (50hrs) it's just a generic plate. he just wanted to fuck with me b/c i a girl on a bike. hell he probably wanted to ask me out but i was a bitch to him so he didn't even try.
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Originally posted by jallen100:

I have to disagree with ya and I graduated from the police academy last year. 2 years ago I was on 670 and a Sheriff pulled next to me. I was not speeding. He pulls me over and said I was leaning back in my seat to far. I told him it was harassment and the fucker said oh yeah and then gave me a ticket for a cracked windshield. Some are cool but a lot of them are ass holes.

Agreed...some are assholes and some are cool. But if you don't bring unwarranted attention to yourself, you, for the most part, will be left alone.


It's really this simple...



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest rocafella
this is a really late post in contrast....but i gotta get my 2 cants in! i mean, your probably one of those assholes who cuts people off...shit it serves you right to spend a night in jail. fuckers like you dont own the fucking road and you obviously downplayed your story if you were charged with wreckless opp, fleeing, and speeding, you tool. and to sit here and talk shit on cops thats just weak. if motherfuckers like you would get the sand out of your pussies and quit being fucking morons than it wouldent be an issue. ive spent the night in jail and got my ass beat by cops last year but i deserved it for being a drunk ass moron.....there just doing their jobs and reguardless of the few shady officers from any given department they put their lives on the line everyday for you. so fuck you and your fucking bike.
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Originally posted by 04636Ninja:

ive never been in this situation, but what exactly do you think a highway patrollman would do if they clocked me on my bike doing lets say 160?, Do you think they would try to pursue me or let me go?

Most often we have had them call ahead and 2 OHP set up a roadblock.


capital city, a few shady officers? You wish only a few.


And I do own the road, I am better than everyone else.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Roger Hupp
I get a kick out of people that run from the cops in the city. Bill, not saying that you were. Chances of getting caught are very high. I still don't understand how/why people will buy a sport bike, only to ride it in the city. I mean if your going to speed and stunt, take out of the city and I mean out in the boonies. Still, I've had to end Sunday riding sessions early many times bc I was out in the boonies and passed the man. I don't know if they actually pulled out or turned around, but I wasn't sticking around to find out. I just figured, hey, I'm doing them a favor by keeping it out of the city and if they catch me, I'll quit. After a year of this, paying for race tires and trashing them within 1,500mi. I knew I was pushing my luck. What really made me quit was when the man tried to chase me down on his motorcycle. We were coming up on a sweeping left-hander from a long straight going about 150. I was on the brakes hard enough to back it in, clicked down to 3rd and rolled thru the turn. I slowed a little looked over my shoulder to make sure he made it, Nope. He keeps going straight; thank god it was a big grass field. He managed to keep it up. Don't ask me how because he was totally out of control. By this time I had come to a complete stop to make sure he was going to be ok.. I watched him get off his bike and take his helmet off. I gave him a nod and the old two-finger salute (not two middle fingers either). He waived, signaling that everything was OK. I hauled ass home. Thats when I decided, nothing is worth a life. I decided to sell the bike. I don't like cruising, which is the only thing you can/should do on public roads. I like to ride sport bikes the way they were designed to be ridden. On a track. 500,000 dollar performance for 11 grand.
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Originally posted by Capital City Hate Core:

this is a really late post in contrast....but i gotta get my 2 cants in! i mean, your probably one of those assholes who cuts people off...shit it serves you right to spend a night in jail. fuckers like you dont own the fucking road and you obviously downplayed your story if you were charged with wreckless opp, fleeing, and speeding, you tool. and to sit here and talk shit on cops thats just weak. if motherfuckers like you would get the sand out of your pussies and quit being fucking morons than it wouldent be an issue. ive spent the night in jail and got my ass beat by cops last year but i deserved it for being a drunk ass moron.....there just doing their jobs and reguardless of the few shady officers from any given department they put their lives on the line everyday for you. so fuck you and your fucking bike.

Another know it all FNG. Here is a tip for you spend less time fucking your cousin and get back to school. Because you really need to learn how to spell and learn some proper grammer...Jerk off graemlins/jerkit.gif
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Originally posted by Bottlefed70:

those fags that ride without a helmet but bring it with them and leave it straped to the bike.....whats the point...to look cool? And who rides with sandals on...

+1...that's luke
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Man I didnt buy my bike to go the speed limit, or keep it on one wheel, My buddies and I were running the freeways, w/ the taco bell crowd, on high street the last half of summer, we didnt have any trouble, but maybe we just got lucky...good lookn out!
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