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totaled my car...what to do now?


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Damn, I'm so screwed...Here's the story...


Coming home from work last night around 11ish I got on 270 E. from Sawmill. I was passing over 71 when I see a load from a truck fall on the ground in my lane not even 100 ft ahead. I'm tired, its pouring down rain, and I got nowhere to go. So at the last minute I swerve right on the median and back left cuz I don't want to hit the wall, well being that it was wet out my rear end slides out and I go into a spin. 540 degrees later I smack the center divider at around 55 or 60mph backwards. Oncoming traffic swerves to avoid me and everyone comes out fine except me and one other car, the car didn't avoid the truck load, but hit it dead on. So I'm fine now, went to the hospital, got lots of drugs, and just heard back from the bodyshop, its $4100 in damages. I only bought the car for $4800, and I didn't have full coverage. Sucks to be me huh? Almost no money saved up and no ride...who's on the short bus now? :mad:graemlins/doh.gif

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Thanks Meagan, I'll call you.


Buck, the reason I don't have full coverage is because it costs $3400/year for me. I only bought the car for a bit more so it didn't seem worth it to me, and I've had it for 2 years. Technically this is not my fault, but since the guy drove off, I'm screwed.

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Yeah, that's what screwed me over. The truck driver that lost the load did not even stop. And by the time I collected my thoughts and enough nerve to get out of the car (remember I was pointing the wrong way on 270 in traffic after I finally stopped) He was long gone. Cops showed up 20 min later and then a wrecker.
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Originally posted by BAM6I4:

Damn, I'm so screwed...Here's the story...


Coming home from work last night around 11ish I got on 270 E. from Sawmill. I was passing over 71 when I see a load from a truck fall on the ground in my lane not even 100 ft ahead. I'm tired, its pouring down rain, and I got nowhere to go. So at the last minute I swerve right on the median and back left cuz I don't want to hit the wall, well being that it was wet out my rear end slides out and I go into a spin. 540 degrees later I smack the center divider at around 55 or 60mph backwards. Oncoming traffic swerves to avoid me and everyone comes out fine except me and one other car, the car didn't avoid the truck load, but hit it dead on. So I'm fine now, went to the hospital, got lots of drugs, and just heard back from the bodyshop, its $4100 in damages. I only bought the car for $4800, and I didn't have full coverage. Sucks to be me huh? Almost no money saved up and no ride...who's on the short bus now? :mad:graemlins/doh.gif

Not as easy to recover from a spin as you thought, was it. Glad your alright. Too bad about your car though... i was looking forward to a run.


FFR:Anyone: If you have a choice to tag a gaurd rail or a concrete barrer... hit the guard rail. As you can see, the concrete barrer will grab hold of a car and shred the hell out of it.

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Originally posted by Buck531:

You got a 2001 car.. and don't have full coverage??? Hell, my '95 Buick with 160k on it has full coverage. graemlins/slap.gif

Yup, my 155k mile 95 Jimmy has full coverage on it, and I only paid $2200 for it (though I did get a hell of a deal).


I'm having a hard time believe the $3400/year from all providers. I was paying $2500/year w/ my Formula back when I was 20, and that was with 2 tickets and a break-in insurance claim, and we are talking a high-risk vehicle here, not an economy car!

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Originally posted by neonkiller:

Wouldnt this be the driver of the trucks fault? Why doesnt he pay for it or his insurance?

Originally posted by BAM6I4:

Yeah, that's what screwed me over. The truck driver that lost the load did not even stop. And by the time I collected my thoughts and enough nerve to get out of the car (remember I was pointing the wrong way on 270 in traffic after I finally stopped) He was long gone. Cops showed up 20 min later and then a wrecker.

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Well thanks everyone for lecturing me on having full coverage, I can't say I will get it in the future, but yeah.


Well so now I'm off to buy a new car, I've got a pimp 2004 Suburban to drive this week, but I WILL have bought a car by next Monday, no doubts about it.

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I have 2 speeding tickets, that's it. No accidents and this one won't come up since there is no point in reporting it. I think it's the age...I'll be turning 19 at the end of this month. Suxors to be young.


Anyways, just found out some cool shit, check my other post on what cars I'm looking at.

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cant they trace the load back to the truck driver??


i got side swiped on the interstate this year, and hit the wall with my bumper, and tore the other guys front bumper, he never stoped, and his front bumper didnt have a plate on it, just a vanity plate, luckily it only scuffed up my rear bumper and no on coming traffic hit me, other then that car. glad i had full coverage, but its sucks i had to pay a deductible.

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