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that 200mph motorcycle ticket

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== 205-mph motorcyclist sentenced to 200 hours of community service ==

Randy Furst, Star Tribune

- December 23, 2004 -


A 20-year-old Stillwater motorcyclist charged with going 205 mph down

Hwy. 61 in September pleaded guilty on Wednesday in Wabasha District

Court to speeding and was sentenced to 200 hours of community service.


Judge Terrence Walters placed Tilley on probation for a year and

ordered him to pay $125 in court and probation fees, said the Wabasha

County attorney's office. He will not serve any jail time.


Wabasha County attorney Jim Nordstrom offered the plea agreement and

Tilley accepted. Tilley also admitted to not having a proper motorcycle

license. Under the agreement a reckless driving charge was dropped


The plea agreement states that Tilley was going 205 miles mph in a 65

mph zone, 12 miles south of Wabasha. He was clocked by a Minnestate

state police pilot on Sept. 18, during the Flood Run, a motorcycle

charity event.


The pilot radioed from his aircraft to a state patrol officer in a

squad car who arrested Tilley and gave a ticket to Tilley who was

driving a Honda 1000.

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Damn... thats not a bad sentence considering, although 200 hours of community service that sucks. I had 20 hours and it sucked real bad I got to choose what I did so I cleaned stalls at my barn for 3 days it sucked so bad. Cleaning horse shit is hard work I was barely able to move my arms after. He won't get all that community service done for a long time.
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Didn't I read a post that was allegedly authored by the motocyclist (i.e., Tilley) going on and on about how he wasn't going that fast, there's no way they could ever prove it, and how he would fight it and prove it? If so, then I surely wouldn't haven't accepted a plea bargain that would have tied me to 200 hours of community service and be on paper for a year.


Also, on a related tangent, you would that thought, given the publicity of the case, that some attorney, and maybe even a quasi-famous attorney, would have stepped up, made a case and tried to get the guy off (and, in the process, gained themselves some publicity).


In any event, this I know to be true: the name Tilley is badass.

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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

Damn... thats not a bad sentence considering, although 200 hours of community service that sucks. I had 20 hours and it sucked real bad I got to choose what I did so I cleaned stalls at my barn for 3 days it sucked so bad. Cleaning horse shit is hard work I was barely able to move my arms after. He won't get all that community service done for a long time.

Hahaha, you actually did yours?
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Originally posted by Assured Risk:


Hahaha, you actually did yours?[/QB]


Uhh... Yeah, one of the kids I got arrested with didn't do his and went to jail for three days because of it and still ended up doing the community service too, so hell yeah I did and I was only on probation for 2 monthes because she liked me and I was good, no drug testing or anything. Which pissed me off because I stayed clean for it too.

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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

Hahaha, you actually did yours?

Uhh... Yeah, one of the kids I got arrested with didn't do his and went to jail for three days because of it and still ended up doing the community service too, so hell yeah I did and I was only on probation for 2 monthes because she liked me and I was good, no drug testing or anything. Which pissed me off because I stayed clean for it too.[/QB]


Pay someone off ;)

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