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need ideas to take care of nieghbor...

kawi kid

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it would be soooo funny if you just stabbed him in the face.. and posted a youtube vid of it

im gonna call that trump card and save it for last!!!;)

Shiddy FTW!!! :lol:
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  • 2 years later...
he procedes to tell this guy i am an asshole, prick, mother fucker, worthless bastard, pretty much everything but a black man (thats not a racist remark)

Nah, you're a snuggley teddy bear. ;)

I enjoyed your story. But what ever came of this?


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It came down to me basically tellinhim that if he fucked with me any more and didn't learn to mind his own busines I was going to build a fence and this sweet camper ( not ) would never move from its spot cuz he would never be able to make the turn win it. I don't really her mad ever but this guy got to see me in rare form.

Followed by a house party at the house your parents gave you.

My house was not given to me trust me.... if thats the case I want all the money I put into payments back since I bought it in 05 lol. If you mean cuz of the name the property is in that's our rental company. If my divorce went he wrong way it was in the business name and she couldn't touch it.

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dude man.. sometimes you just gotta go toe to toe to solve a problem... did it with the neighbors boyfriend, even called the cops on him after i was done.. tried to say i jumped him when the cops came..

But with your neighbor, I'd handle it like i did my little brother... Kept acting up, and i know inside he felt he could knock me out... well i knocked the thought out of him.. now he acts 10 times better.

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I would shoot the f'er for coming in my yard and picking up my dogs shit just to put it on my sidewalk. What a dipshit. You know if you knock his teeth, all, down his throat it's a bitch to try and spew shit out still...

F! mothers like that. Kill em all I say! i had two assholes like that in Pataskala. Some peice o shite on one side that fed every F'in cat in town and claimed they were not his (he stopped when I shot one off the hood of my new truck in front of him). Then two was the other F'er and his stupid azz son that had parties every Thursday night. Which I beat the shit out of one of his buddies one night for being a dumbazz on my lawn, which was funny since my cousin the sheriff just happened to stop by why this was going on. It was really great when another f'er went to move his vehicle, off of my lawn, in front of her and set his beet down on the sidwalk before getting in his car.

I love dumbasses but have no tolerance for them! They all need their teeth knocked in.

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2 years late to the party, but if anyone finds themselves in a similar situation, Civil Protection Orders aren't THAT expensive.

You have to establish a "pattern" of harassing behavior (2 or more events closely related in time), so calling the cops a few times is necessary. Just file a complaint so it's on record - you don't have to actually have the police knock on his door.

After that, get the CPO, and buy one of those $50 security camera setups from Harbor freight. Then anything you document gets him violating the CPO, which is a MUCH bigger deal than just putting dog shit on your sidewalk.

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I got tired of my brother not picking up his dog's poo, so I dropped the biggest one I could muster on the back patio. I pointed it out and said "Jesus Christ Almighty look what Jessie did there!!" It was Yota sized...

I had him clean it right then and there, and when he picked it up with a paper towel, I took a picture of him as I told him that I had a lot of peanuts the night before, just for him..

I laughed, and that's all that mattered...:D

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I got tired of my brother not picking up his dog's poo, so I dropped the biggest one I could muster on the back patio. I pointed it out and said "Jesus Christ Almighty look what Jessie did there!!" It was Yota sized...

I had him clean it right then and there, and when he picked it up with a paper towel, I took a picture of him as I told him that I had a lot of peanuts the night before, just for him..

I laughed, and that's all that mattered...:D

That's so wrong, hilarious but wrong.

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That's so wrong, hilarious but wrong.

when i moved back home after college, my sister had gotten a cat while I was gone (she's 11 years younger than me). She'd let the litter box go, and it would smell like shit.

I threatened taking a dump in it myself multiple times. Finally followed through one night when I came home very drunk.

I moved out shortly thereafter, but I'm told the litter box isn't a problem anymore, although my dad claims he's threatened to "have chris stop by on his lunch break." (i work close to my parents' house).

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