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I guess no one got my point last time


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In my last thread on this topic, the point that I was hoping to show was that in the previous article I posted, Japan has a higher abortion rate than birthrate, and that the occurance of STD's in females under the age of 30 was something like 84%.


A quick excerpt from this article:


"One in eight men and one in 10 women are thought to have chlamydia, a rate estimated to be even higher among those in their early twenties."


Is this the direction that society should be heading?

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This is the direction the world is headin, son. ;) Base it on age of population. The longer a population occupies a spot, the more of a festering sore it will become. Japans civilization has been int he same place for over a milenia, London has been around a little over twice as long s the USA. Its not the sodomy and abortions, its the fact that people have bee fucking there so long, and STDs are natures way of saying "you need to stop fuckin". These diseases will allways run rampent in the worlds population centers. Tokyo is packed now, imagine if there were NO abortions there, it would be a 3rd world nation full of cannibals.

so, to answer your question:

Originally posted by copperhead:

Is this the direction that society should be heading?

"should"? dunno, but it IS the direction it is heading in and there's nothing you can do to stop it. The best you can do is maybe put a 10 year dent in it, but consider the population explosion you're essentialy asking for. The outcome is always the same.
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You can choose to contribute to the problems, or you can choose to help curb the problems. The correct choice should be obvious. If it is not obvious to you, don't complain when the laws of probability catch up to you, and pay for your self-inflicted problems yourself.


When people apply for life insurance, they have to undergo a paramedical examination and have their medical history reviewed in order to be rated for a policy. People with high blood pressure and people who smoke, for example, will pay higher rates for life insurance because they are a higher risk.

I think such an evaluation prior to issuing a policy should be conducted for health insurance, too. People who have had "self-inflicted" health problems - from broken bones to STDs to anything else that can be avoided by choice should pay appropriately higher premiums. However, things beyond a person's control, such as genetic or chance problems, should not be allowed to affect their premium. If nearly every other form of insurance operates this way, why shouldn't healt insurance?

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NOOO tony there is nooo way we could do that, it infringes on people's personal fredom TO FUCK THEMSELVES. 1 side says the schools should take care of it, the other side says the parents should take care of it. Morality loosens, education faulters and shit hits the fan.


I agree with your health care ideal. Personal accountablity is where society should be at, but it never will.

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