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Please leave this here, in this section till tomorow night, then mods/admins may delete this.


I am pretty much cleaning out my room, and all my usless stuff in the garage. There will pobobly be some shelves table ext... that my mom will sell, and there should be SOME automotive related parts there. Myabe some tools. I got alot of old snowboard gear (boots boards, bindings). Alot of glass dogg figures I used to collect as a child. A few Benie Babies, stuffed animals, toys, DVD's, video games... so on so forth.


... I'v also got this dremel that I used once, I can't quite remember whos it is... :D


1628 Reynoldsburg New Albany Rd.


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Arcade machine (Comando) already sold a few months ago, we are keeping the other one and the pinball. I sold 2 boards today a GNU and a Lamar,


Last board is a Lamar 158 with Santa Cruise bindings $30. Also have Nothwave boots for $40 size 12 or 11, and a pair of white Draggon goggles im considering putting out there.


Also there are several big shelves being sold for $10 and up


LOTS of stuff we have been putting stuff out there for 6 hours now

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Originally posted by Crash:

Arcade machine (Comando) already sold a few months ago, we are keeping the other one and the pinball. I sold 2 boards today a GNU and a Lamar,


Last board is a Lamar 158 with Santa Cruise bindings $30. Also have Nothwave boots for $40 size 12 or 11, and a pair of white Draggon goggles im considering putting out there.


Also there are several big shelves being sold for $10 and up


LOTS of stuff we have been putting stuff out there for 6 hours now

I want that board but i dont know when i can get there!
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