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rant I hate women rant

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I fucking hate how everything has been working out for me lately.. The girl that I've been dating for 3 and a half years.. a month away from 4 one night calls me crying saying that she's sorry and whatever, and so I comforted her and stuff and she says that she's been sleeping with other guys.. So I got mad obviously and said something that I shouldn't have, and so she says right before I go to work that it's over. So I'm obviously a wreck I took it out on a few customers but that's irrelevant so I get home, and she calls me later that night and we talk and she's being a bitch but I was just happy she's talking to me and we end the night with an exchange of 'I love you' and what not so I think maybe things are going alright so a few more days go by with the same reoccurance . I let her do her own thing hoping things will die down, well tonite she calls me to say that she's dating a new guy and that she never wants to talk to me or see me ever again. I was like wtf? What did I do to deserve this? And her excuse is that she's just moving on and that she just wants me out of her life. She gives me all these smartass comments when I ask her why she's doing this and whatever. I just got off the phone with her and I know that it will be the last time I ever talk to her, I don't mean to rant to you guys or anything like that, I'm just dying/pissed off. She was the first girl I ever dated, kissed, slept with, all that stuff and for what nothing. :sigh: well I'm done, sorry to have wasted your time. :mad:
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Been there too. Exact same stats except add the fact that I lived with her, and had to continue to for 2 months after we broke up and had a few not so pretty run ins with the dude she decided to get with.


I then got back at her by getting with all our other female roomates since they were so simpathetic. I now have been dating her much better looking and half as psycho best friend for 2 years.


I just learned that she is getting divorced. Did I forget to mention she got married 2 months after we broke up?


Good times. It made me much stronger emotionally. I dont regret any of it... I doubt, down the road, you will either.

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Yeah, girls are fucking stupid. ive always had a thing for older woman, and dated several of them. maybe you should try that. ive learned they dont fuck you over as bad..and its easier to trust them. sorry to hear about your situation.
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only solace i can give is this.


the good times. they were really good, werent they? i mean, in three years, im sure you had some times that were some of the best times of your life. well, think about it. if you can have that much fun, with the wrong girl, then think about how much fun itll be with the right girl. helped me through some dark days.

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Guest silverbullet
what i dont get is..if ur giving her space..why does she call u and talk shit...its just stupid..its as if shes trying to hurt u evenmore..what a biotch
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dude dont blame yourself for anything you said. You had every right to be pissed off. Did you sleep with other people...no. SO you shouldnt have to apoligize over it. Dont call her that is all she wants as much as she might deny it. Drop her man give her a taste of what its like without you. You dont deserve her shit i can tell you taht if you dont call her she will call you. Its all a game to them just learn how to play the game back. sorry about it again man. Bitches will be bitches, hoes will be hoes.
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Wow, I really didn't expect so many responses in such a short amount of time. I really honestly do appreciate this all, it means alot to me. I just wish this shit would have happened earlier in 'the game' or whatever the fuck she viewed it as.. Just kinda bummed and pissed me off. But like I said thanks once again for the responses yall gave me, they give me some hope ;)
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Originally posted by Eastside Juggalo:

So I got mad obviously and said something that I shouldn't have

Unless what you said was either forgiving her or talking about stalking/killing her or people she knows, then you didn't say ANYTHING you shouldn't have.


I can't see why you were even trying to talk to her again, or have anything to do with her. She CHEATED ON YOU. If my g/f did that, her ass would be kicked to the curb so fast her head would be trying to play catch up. Cheating is the ultimate disrespect to someone in a relationship.

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Guest jpurdy2003
If she cheated, she was never yours. She is not the next guy's, the current guy's, or the last guy's. Take solace in the fact that she's going to do the same damn thing to the next guy, and the next guy, and the next... She will continue this behavior until she either catches an incurable STD or gets fat and ugly and has a house full of kids that resembles a Jerry Springer episode. Recognize that you have not been played; she has played herself. While you stayed faithful like a man, a better man then most of us here including me, she made it obvious that she's a backseat gutter whore. You walked away with something that she will not have: dignity. She sounds like the kind of hoe I'd pee on; it's not sexual, it's to show the intensity of disrespect for the trick. And if the bitch can't swim, she's bound to drizzown.
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you definatly need better then her,

the only thing you did wrong was not smack hear silly for cheating on you., a girl like that dont deserve a second chance It took me a while to learn that, but they dont change, they cheap on doing it to you


now just become yourself and live freely, not being whipped by any woman anymore.


you could do what i did and distract your pain with senseless fast toys, oh and motorcycles always helps. smile.gif


keep your head up.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

but dude... you know what really gets a bitch back. Naked pictures on the interweb.


True story.



Let's see the bewbees..


How old are you 2? I've went through the whole been with a girl for 2+ years, find out she messed around with some dude at a party, dumped her ass. It sucks for a few weeks but you'll soon realize you're better off without someone that goes behind your back and cheats on you. Fuck that hoe... My advice, If she has a sister, do her.. Do all her friends too. graemlins/leghump.gif:D

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