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Group rides are bad...Harley group rides are...

The King

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What the Hell was he doing that far left around a corner? Stupid ass deserves to be T-boned.

Thats what I was thinking. At first, I thought it must be a one way road the way those guys were rounding corners in the left hand lane.


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The red dresser coming down the hill is on the right side of the road.

He would be on the wrong side then.

The roads can be steep and narrow. He probably tried to go out wide since HDs corner like crap not expecting there to be another bike coming through.

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if you look at it, the red bike was out front. looks like he turned and went up the hill and prolly started to stall out and did a 180 back down the hill in panic and smack!

Haha, you're right...I had to watch it again to notice that. He was like 2 bikes in front of the bike that got hit and if you look close you can see him start to wobble, losing balance going up the hill.

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no, group rides are good, how else would they have gotten 12 people together to pull that 1000 lb monstrosity off of that poor idiot.

Remember people, chrome attracts stupid.

and how is that a good thing?

should darwinism come into play here?

do you want that 1000 lb monstrosity coming after you?

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