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Need new cell service.


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So, like it says. I currently have Tmobile. I have 3 lines and need to port all three numbers. I need to have shared service between the three lines and nation wide calling. If anyone works selling cell phones let me know. I am thinking Nextel or Verizon. Bottom line, when I want to use my phone, IT HAS TO WORK.



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I have Verizon now. It has been, in terms of signal strength, substantially better than Cingular. However, I still drop calls inside in some places where I should not, though this happens only with 5 percent of calls. Yet, for some people, even that 5 percent is unacceptable.


I've heard people bitch about every carrier (e.g., Verizon, TMobile, Cingular, Sprint) except Nextel.

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The only problem with Nextel is that they are expensive, the phones are expensive, and the walkie's dont work everywhere.


I have Sprint, and will probably always have them, especailly since they finally have a walkie-talkie feature.


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Originally posted by Gas, Grass, or Ass:

sprint owns I have yet to go somewhere my phone doesn't work.


it even worked way down on kmisley's farm when no one else had service

Haha....HAHAHAHA....cough cough...AHHH HAHAHAHA!!


Sorry, I deal with my f'ing POS Sprint phone at work DAILY. That thing drops calls like it is its business. Places I can't even make calls with it, my Verizon phone has several bars. Normally the Sprint phone likes to drop calls at the least opportune time (like me being on hold with dispatch for 10 minutes, 15 seconds later I get the good ol' Signal Faded). This has happened on multiple brand new Sprint phones, and EVERYONE I work with (that's a lot of people) bitch about the same thing.


Sprints mobile web service sucks too. I can't really say anything positive about them, except they have a decent phone selection.

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nextel is building heavy in ohio. my employer is waiting on word for a few nextel bids he has in,probably start in a couple weeks. still from inside the business i have to say cingular is the best for service plans and hardware. their coverage is going to dramatically improve once they integrate the newly acquired AWS network, wich will make them the biggest cell provider EVER.

on a side note, they are the only provider currently building UMTS sites.this is considered 4th generation cellular providing dramatic improvements in data transfer rates wich will allow use of high quality streaming video phones. it's currently online in sanfrancisco and has been running strong in phoenix wich was the preliminary test market.

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Originally posted by Venomss:

I have Verizon now. It has been, in terms of signal strength, substantially better than Cingular. However, I still drop calls inside in some places where I should not, though this happens only with 5 percent of calls. Yet, for some people, even that 5 percent is unacceptable.


I've heard people bitch about every carrier (e.g., Verizon, TMobile, Cingular, Sprint) except Nextel.

NEXTEL BLOWS...heh ok not that bad, but still they don't have a single site in puerto rico graemlins/bsflag.gif
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Nextel Sucks a big one. My dad uses them, and if he and other contractors he works with didn't already have them he would ditch nextel in a second. "Please wait while we locate the nextel subscriber" God, I hate that message. And of course they can't find his cell, BECAUSE HE NEVER HAS SERVICE.
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um, if you consider tdma (nextel) 4th gen service, i have a great AMPS phone id love to sell you. i promise, you wont get cancer. *crosses fingers*


akula, i work for t-mobile. if youre having issues, hit me with a pm and let me know what they are. if nothing else, ill at least be able to give you some cause as to why the problem exists. hopefully, i can help fix it for you.

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T-Mobile is good, IMHO. They were fucking sweet when combined with my ex roommate's N-Gage, and when I get one, I want their service, even if it's the prepaid variety.


Cingular sucks the donkey cock though. Constant dropping of calls, had to dial 2-3 times sometimes to get it to actually make a call, general suckage.


Verizon... Don't get me started. Suffice it to say their reps need to get a clue. One tried to tell me that because some chick named Guadalupe or some shit was showing up on my number (which he also claimed was cancelled) that I should get off a bus in the middle of Arizona (on it's way to South Carolina), and go *back* to Van Nuys, CA to talk to the store I bought the phone from, and was damn near calling me a theif. The little shitstick's supervisor noticed that I have a prepaid account, and knew right off that I needed to talk to another department. Prepaids are in a different system. Their in-store salespeople around here really need to learn their place too. (I'm of the opinion that if I'm expected to put up with the crap *I* put up with from customers at work, that when I'm a customer somewhere, they need to be fucking respectful.)


As for the others... No experience, therefore, no opinion.

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Originally posted by Orion:

um, if you consider tdma (nextel) 4th gen service, i have a great AMPS phone id love to sell you. i promise, you wont get cancer. *crosses fingers*


akula, i work for t-mobile. if youre having issues, hit me with a pm and let me know what they are. if nothing else, ill at least be able to give you some cause as to why the problem exists. hopefully, i can help fix it for you.





thats pretty much standard, although some marketing depts will dispute this as there is no real "standard"

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From my experience with verizon, if you talk to any customer service rep (in-store or telephone) take a few minutes to talk with their supervisor, or someone else higher up. I had problems last summer, called a few times... ended up with the head of customer service, and i got 6 months of free service. Apparently if those initial salespeople fuck around too bad,(like what happend with kuruma) its a breach of contract or something. I need to stop drinkin my brain is fried.


Cingular blows nuts, dont expect to get service anywhere.

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I have Tmobile now. I loved it when I went to Sweden and it worked, worked in Jamaica and the Bahamas without a problem. But, it doesn't work about 10 feet from my house (I can see a cell tower). I am smack dab in the middle of the coverage area, near 70, and I have no signal. In cities GSM rules, it is the reason why it is the european standard. You want service 1/4 mile into the earth surrounded by Granite? GSM is for you. However, if you are not in the city near repeaters and cell towers, you are screwed.


So, my problem is that my phone doesn't work at my house, I know that Verizon and Nextel does. I don't like AT&T and since they merged with Cingular I will never go with them.


I know enough people that have Sprint to know that it is the worlds best portable answering machine. Often they get VMs for calls that never rang into the phone.


The problem with Verizon is the 2 year contract, I am not financing a car, I don't need a long contract.

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Originally posted by Akula:

The problem with Verizon is the 2 year contract, I am not financing a car, I don't need a long contract.

When I started with Verizon, you could get a 1-year contract. This was a little over a year ago. It's just that you don't get as good of a deal on the phones (I think), and you have to pay a ~$30 one time 'start-up' fee, or whatever they call it. Kind of shitty and not worth it to do the one year, it’s a catch 22.


I think the blank spots in coverage happen with ever company, you just have to make sure one doesn't happen to be at or near your house. This will probably be true until the technology gets much better.


Get a hold of DJ and see if he can't help you out. He's one of the most customer driven people I've seen and I'm sure he will do whatever he can to keep you with T Mobile and keep you happy with them.


Personally, the only companies I've had experience with are Verizon and Sprint. Sister and mom used to have Sprint and it sucked a huge donkey wang for service (but it seems you all ready know that). I have nothing but good things to say about Verizon. Only real 'issue' I've had with them is when I first got the phone, the idiot who sold me the phone at the Kiosk gave me some services I didn't want. As soon as I got my bill I called customer service to bitch and it was immediately fixed. Any issue I've ever had has been fixed very easily and quickly by calling in. Don’t go to the Kiosk in malls, they suck. I’ve been to their store outside of Tuttle for anything past that and the people there are great. Their selection of phones is getting better, but I don't consider it great by any means. Great service too, I get service damn near everywhere.

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I have Verizon and like them, they did screw up my bill once though to the tune of $280 some dollars. I wasn't happy about it and they did not really work with me on the issue, they said the calls came from my phone(s) and I was responsible for them.


Outside of that I have never had a problem receiving calls or making them, a few have dropped but nothing like when I had Sprint. I like the in calling as well it doesn't use from my minutes and I have never been anyplace where I did not have service with Verizon.


I liked Sprint when I had them at first, but they fell off the deep end and fast. I'd have to say that of all the companies I have been with Verizon has to be one of the best.

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I only have had Cingular and Verizon service.


Cingular - ok service but you were roaming anywhere outside of 270. With family in Licking County, it got expensive.


Verizon - Great service and coverage. I have had a few calls droped but nothing major.

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umts is not fourth gen. ts more like 2.5 gen, like a wcdma or a cdma2000. 3g is only available in a few european and souteast asian countries right now. cdma and gsm are true 2g technologies. according to most experts, tdma is as well, but i myself dont think thats entirely accurate. posting from my pocket pc, i cant he!p but think that you wouldnt be able to do this from any tdma device.


anyways, yes, i try as hard as i can to make sure our customers stay happy, even if theyre not "my" cutomers, per se.


as an aside, i do offer special discounts to cr members, so if youre interested, pm me or feel free to call.

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It's amazing to see some people's perception of different carriers and technologies.


3G is alive and well. Sprint's Vision network and the Verizon Get It Now are both 3G and have been functonal for at least the past year. I had my laptop out to a few meets last summer showing some people the wireless data connection with bandwidth tests around 450 kbps.


EVDO is in the works and currently being tested. (approx. 2 Mbps data)


CDMA and PCS covers the largest square mile area PERIOD. I challenge anyone to find me any other technology anywhere close. Verizon uses PCS, CDMA and an AMPS backup. Sprint uses PCS with an AMPS backup.


Verizon is the way to go for voice.

Sprint for data. (It is easier to do cheaply)


Just shop around for the phones. The phone you have makes a world of difference. Don't just take a free phone. You usually get what you pay for. Sanyo= generally good for Sprint. LG= generally good for Verizon. (except the vx3100)


Also check out www.phonescoop.com for equipment reviews. Any questions, post or PM.

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Originally posted by BiG BeN:

nextel is building heavy in ohio. my employer is waiting on word for a few nextel bids he has in,probably start in a couple weeks. still from inside the business i have to say cingular is the best for service plans and hardware. their coverage is going to dramatically improve once they integrate the newly acquired AWS network, wich will make them the biggest cell provider EVER.

on a side note, they are the only provider currently building UMTS sites.this is considered 4th generation cellular providing dramatic improvements in data transfer rates wich will allow use of high quality streaming video phones. it's currently online in sanfrancisco and has been running strong in phoenix wich was the preliminary test market.

I am not familiar with the term of 'AWS network'? Is this GSM by any chance? Nextel and Cingular have a lot to do to caught up Verizon Wireless's network for coverage, availability and throughput. I have the baseline tests to prove it.


This stuff will not enough touch EVDO(next evolution data only), Verizon Wireless is releasing EVDO in Ohio(Columbus, Dayton/Cincinnati) in late December. EVDO is on air in CA, IL and MN. CDMA(2000) technology is the way to go in bandwidth and wireless spectrum.

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