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CallTech sucks major ass!


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I tell you what..I was really desperate for a job, so I applied at CallTech. They were advertising that they pay their techs 9 an hr to start off with, which from what I have seen, isn't to bad anymore. Well I go there, apply, and get hired. Well funny how they forget to mention about how training only pays 42 dollars a day and that you wont get paid for a month until you complete the training..What a bunch of assholes they were!
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Guest Atlas
You think its bad now... wait until you hit the floor.... and get your 100th call with the same problem in a row, and then ask for a break and get told to call back later.
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*laughs* I work there, actually... You wouldn't believe the things you can get away with there if you know the right people. Pay sucks, but it's fairly laid back if you keep your stats good and don't annoy the wrong people smile.gif I was hired in before the BS with the training pay, thankfully.
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:D Not as good as what a friend of mine did on HIS last day. He said it would be "not a whole lot of anything" when we asked...


He sat around using telnet to talk to his GF all day, didn't log in until 11:10 PM or so, then logged off 50 minutes later, and left an hour early. They didn't even notice. smile.gif

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That has to be the worst place int CO to work. Suzi Wad(of sh!t) makes it sound like it's a nice place. You have a bunch of young punks that are supervisors that think they can talk to you any kind of way. Most of them don't know their ass from a hole in the wall when it comes to IT. They just know the BS procedures that they halfass impliment.


I got fired. I had to piss and made the call and was told it was too busy to go. I hung up, got my ass up and pissed. I'm not pissin myself to help some dumbass that has NO IDEA about the internet or his PC. Dude, I could go on and on, but you get the idea. It's going to get WORSE. Watch for a chic named Heidi....She's a DUMB, UGLY (nice titties though..Nipples stay hard) whore.

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Originally posted by Inspeckta:

That has to be the worst place int CO to work. Suzi Wad(of sh!t) makes it sound like it's a nice place. You have a bunch of young punks that are supervisors that think they can talk to you any kind of way. Most of them don't know their ass from a hole in the wall when it comes to IT. They just know the BS procedures that they halfass impliment.


I got fired. I had to piss and made the call and was told it was too busy to go. I hung up, got my ass up and pissed. I'm not pissin myself to help some dumbass that has NO IDEA about the internet or his PC. Dude, I could go on and on, but you get the idea. It's going to get WORSE. Watch for a chic named Heidi....She's a DUMB, UGLY (nice titties though..Nipples stay hard) whore.

Are you talking about the HR chick? Her name was Heidi..hehehehe
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Weaklings. tongue.gif


Yeah, call centers in general suck. All places of employment (last I checked) hold your first paycheck through the first pay period before you get it. Call tech just has a two week traning period and they don't submit the pay untill you get out of training. It sux if you're hard up for cash, but that's life, child.


I am currently part time, (have another full time job now) and will be leaving once I pickup my new car so I can work half as often deliverin' pizza to make the same cash here. ;)


But it's deffenitly not the worst place in columbus to work, just not for everyone.


(posting from calltech now ;) )

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Originally posted by ttemper:

i worked there for the first 2 weeks of training...and then quit the first day in "tank" i made 600 bucks in 2 weeks.

How did you make 600 in 2 weeks? That wasn't there was it? They don't pay that good.
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I worked there for almost 3 months.


I think the project I was working for (McLeod) was a lot different than a lot of the other projects floating around there. For the most part, the smarter individuals seemed to trickle over to that project. The managers and leads were all cool; I honestly liked all of them. There were definately some knowledgable people I worked with; many who sadly just got sucked into the job. Of course there were a number of morons I worked with, but overall it wasn't that bad. Turnover in my group wasn't all that high either.


I was fortunate enough to get my ass out of there when I did; I couldn't take dealing with those people any more, and they implimented some new things that would have made my job more of a PITA.


All this said, I'll never work there again. There is only so much you can take of trying to explain to grandma how to use the internet over the phone.

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