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The Dimbag Darrel thread

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chris steele you need to learn to control your runaway mouth or someone will end up punching it shut for you.


just to keep things clear this is not a threat merely an observation.


alot of cool people died if you can't find something decent to say then don't say anything.

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Originally posted by Gas, Grass, or Ass:

chris steele you need to learn to control your runaway mouth or someone will end up punching it shut for you.


just to keep things clear this is not a threat merely an observation.


alot of cool people died if you can't find something decent to say then don't say anything.

+1 - Although I definatly think that you deserve a nice pop in the mouth! :mad:


I wasn't a fan of Pantera or Damageplan, but people lost their lives in a tragic event.

I didn't know any of the people in NY in 2001, but I still grieved for them.


Grow up son...grow up. graemlins/nonono.gif

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you guys are soft and why are you so scared of death? We don't know what happens after, maybe he is asshole deep in virgins like the muslims say.

Or maybe nothing. People need to get over death it's part of life and you know what we all die in the end. So suck it up and stop being douche bags. As for a pop in the mouth it could be your way to find out what happens after you die. "Just to keep things clear that's not a threat merely an observation."


Get over it.

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^^ Get over yourself.


There is a very distinct difference between 'being soft' and showing some fucking respect. I don't know your family, and I don't know what awaits me after death. But I do know, I would be a better person than you and not make fun of your family member getting his or her head blown the fuck off.


*** Get the FUCK out of this thread. ***

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Guest Harris92
Being scared of death and having a mutual respect for life are two different things. Im not afraid of dying, but I respect those who have lost their lives, especially suddenly. Some of the people who died that day have children. I just dont think thats funny at all.
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It's not only a matter of whether you respected that person or not, It's a matter of respecing others as well. Chris, you're way out of line. And in this thread, far beyond what is considered a decent human being.


You really need to grow up man.


Or maybe this is just your way or screaming for attention?

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My friend Jason works for the Franklin Co. Coroners office. He got the call on the concert. He said it was really bad. He has always been a huge fan of the band. Jason said that it was one of the saddest things he has ever had to do. He prepared Darrel's body for the transport. Jason also said he could not go near the shooter's body without going in to much detail he said he would have lost his job if he had.



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