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OK you server Gurus, help us out here!!!


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OK, my friend and I have decided we want to get a server online to host a simple website we're making for our, and our friends cars, and also to host the vids we have been making lately, and to host anything else anybody else would need. Just something simple to get us started.


We're slowly coming up with a bunch of questions though.


He's putting the server together now. It's nothing fancy. dual pentium 3's, roughly 500mb each. It has one 30gb hardrive, and one 8gb. This should be plenty for what we're doing correct? It will be connected constantly to a DSL line, and we're HOPING this will be fast enough to sustain everybody downloading vids. Input?


Next thing. He's got the website mostly designed now. What we're not sure about, is how to put it on the server for everyone to see.


Do you have to purchase a domain name? or can we just assign one to the servers IP address? Anyone know how to do this?


Thanks for any and all help. I'll add questions to this post as we think of them.

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