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You knew it was coming...


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So wait.... It's about drifting, Neither Paul Walker OR Vin Diesel are in it, the director has NO major movies to speak of, and there is a rumor that the Main Character car of the movie is a fastback mustang with a Skyline GTR motor in it? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Why don't they just make it a real action Initial D and throw him into a Corolla? This is a a JOKE... But I'm still going to see it. :(
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Gay movie #3.


It doesn't matter what unknown actors, unknown directors, etc. do this movie. As long as they have wwaaaayyyy over the top, impossible stunts done in CGI, and some shitty looking ricers, the rice crowd will eat it up. Then other curious non-rice bystandards will go just to see what it is.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Gay movie #3.


It doesn't matter what unknown actors, unknown directors, etc. do this movie. As long as they have wwaaaayyyy over the top, impossible stunts done in CGI, and some shitty looking ricers, the rice crowd will eat it up. Then other curious non-rice bystandards will go just to see what it is.

What your saying the Skyline couldn't do that over the top of the car jump?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! SKYLINE COME ON! THEY CAN NEVAR BE BEATEN NOT EVEN IN THE AIR!
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Oh I cant wait for a ew one to come out!!

For some reason people seem shocked that I like these movies but they have a hard time understand why I like these movies, so I will clarify for anyone that has missed my explanation before:


You see this:


but I see this:


likewise, you see this:


but I see this:


excuse my photoshop skills, I threw that together really fast, but I hope everyone understands now that I like these movies because I find them in the comedy section at the local blockbuster :D

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it was bad enough when we had all these idiots trying to "street race"....now we are gonna have a bunch of kids in FWD econo boxes trying to slide them around everywhere.



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On the same note of drifting, i talked to this younger girl today who made a statement and I quote "I cant wait to make enough money to buy my a CRX, take it to autozone so they can hook me up and take it drifting" I swear to whoever I need to swear to that was her precise words str8 from her mouth. You ever hear a statement that you just could not retort. I am usually full of one line comebacks to stupid comments and I had nothing, nothing at all. Dumbfounded...
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