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I'm gona fite you!

Trouble Maker

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Jesse, give me examples where I instigated a fight.


Brandon, you don't know anything. I'd appreciate if you'd come to me instead of hearing from a 3rd party. Lemme guess, Eli told you "I was siding with IPS instead of him" and now you're all pissed off.


Truth is, Eli layed a guilt trip on me and flew off the handle when I refused to ban Jeff and Ricky from CR along with himself (and delete the Viper thread in the process).


It's kinda hard to stay neutral in any situation when said individual keeps being dragged into it.

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Anthony, I've seen numerous post, including two previous post, now three, in this thread, which instigated/prolonged the situation. Everyone knows that at a few times the situation was close to violence, at least from the way people were acting/what they were saying. By helping to make this situation worse you were definitely indirectly helping to create a possible violent situation. Don't play dumb.


Calling someone out on how they were going to 'punch someone in the face', but didn't is definitely directly instigating violence.


You just did it again in your last post. Who gives a shit what happened? I sure don't, I'm sure no one but the people involved do right now. So you are saving face to no one but yourself. Nothing is going to be resolved in this situation because everyone involved is too egotistical. It can only get worse, so just drop it.

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Originally posted by Trouble Maker:

Anthony, I've seen numerous post, including two previous post, now three, in this thread, which instigated/prolonged the situation. Everyone knows that at a few times the situation was close to violence, at least from the way people were acting/what they were saying. By helping to make this situation worse you were definitely indirectly helping to create a possible violent situation. Don't play dumb.


Calling someone out on how they were going to 'punch someone in the face', but didn't is definitely directly instigating violence.


You just did it again in your last post. Who gives a shit what happened? I sure don't, I'm sure no one but the people involved do right now. So you are saving face to no one but yourself. Nothing is going to be resolved in this situation because everyone involved is too egotistical. It can only get worse, so just drop it.

If you honestly think explaining myself or warning others of someone making violent threats against someone behind their back are instigating fights, you need to rethink your strategy.


I have yet to see you run around telling people that if someone shows up to a specific CR meet, you're gonna punch them in the face, mouth, etc.


Anything I have said here has been a warning, whether aimed at a specific person or a general group. I'd think you'd show more intelligence than this than trying to put a latent blame on me for "prolonging the situation".


You're really trying to epidemize your screen name, aren't you?

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Originally posted by Donkey Schlong:

Jesse, give me examples where I instigated a fight.


Brandon, you don't know anything. I'd appreciate if you'd come to me instead of hearing from a 3rd party. Lemme guess, Eli told you "I was siding with IPS instead of him" and now you're all pissed off.


Truth is, Eli layed a guilt trip on me and flew off the handle when I refused to ban Jeff and Ricky from CR along with himself (and delete the Viper thread in the process).


It's kinda hard to stay neutral in any situation when said individual keeps being dragged into it.

Eli wouldnt really be a third party...


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Originally posted by Donkey Schlong:

"Information" about me between Brandon and myself coming from another, seperate source is 3rd party.


The underlying theme here is Eli needs to quit running his mouth. Too bad I didn't realize this until now.

Well, you were asking for a quote with you instigating shit, so I found one smile.gif


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Originally posted by Trouble Maker:

Nice try for the guess on the play on words as to where my name came from.


Where my name came from.



You didn't answer my question, I didn't ask for a pic of you.
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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Well, you were asking for a quote with you instigating shit, so I found one smile.gif


That's not instigating, that's truth.


Let's make a list of the people he's pissed off with his mouth. Can the internet handle that much info at once?

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Originally posted by Donkey Schlong:

That's not instigating, that's truth.


Let's make a list of the people he's pissed off with his mouth. Can the internet handle that much info at once?

Um, pot...


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My name isn't my name because I like to cause trouble; it's because of a fucking set of skis I bought.


All's I've was trying to do with this thread is to get people to realize how stupid their actions were, to try to help quell the problems. Including you. Your only agenda in this thread is to try and make it look like Eli is the sole cause of this problem. I'm not going to defend Eli either, as he has had his fair share of helping to escalate this situation. Then again, so have you and you are trying to project any of this problem you've helped to cause onto Eli.


A few people realized how stupid this whole thing was and dropped it. You're obviously too dense to realize this though. I didn't feel the need to defend myself or my actions to you. But since you asked a second time I answered. This is as much as you’re going to get. I'm not going to let you or anyone else try to suck me into getting into an e-fight with anyone.


Ciff notes: You're helpless.

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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Jesse, you are one sexy bitch.


Yeha, thanks. I work hard at it. graemlins/lol.gif


Why can't you just drop it Anthony? The world's not going to stop spinning if you 'expose Eli for what he really is' or just stop what you are doing. Like I said, no one really cares either way that much. Everyone knows you hate each other now and are no longer friends. Isn't that good enough?

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That being said, this is getting nowhere.


If someone has a problem with me, take it up with me personally.


If someone has a problem with Eli, take it up with him personally.


If someone wants to "fite", take it somewhere else.


Locked before this does get outta hand.

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