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The Man of Steele

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Originally posted by Wonka:

I am a faggot. I wish Marc would have gay sex with me, but Im just too damn ugly for even Marc. Goddamnit I wish I were dead because no one likes me...except my mom; and my dog. My dog still has sex with me...damn im pathetic....



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Originally posted by Wonka:

Wow man every time you attempt a good response I am let down with more of your homosexual perversions. Stop telling us your fantasy and stop being ghey...

Damnit you are so fucking unoriginal. I might as well be making fun of my wall...homo.


You suck at the insults...and until you comeback with something, anything funny Im going to stay out of this thread.


You Chris Steele have let me down. I used to think you were funny, now I think you are an unoriginal poser that has his mouth fitted WAY to tightly to Brains cock.


Seriously man, say something funny and original, and I may respond. Otherwise, keep your fucking nasty perversions to yourself. Word on the street is you are starting to scare some people away... :eek:


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Originally posted by Wonka:

Marc I never thought I'd say this but wow man you're so totaly awesome at arguing on the internet. WOw you have changed my life, or not you're still a homo and you still fail.

Holy shit...another good one by fucking-gay-chris-to-the-steele.


Son, step back, take a deep breat, and wake your underage bitch up for highschool.


Then, think of something worthy for me to beat you down with.


Until then, continue eating 15 year old cock...and remember...they are all 18 until the court date... graemlins/gay.gif


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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Holy shit...another good one by fucking-gay-chris-to-the-steele.


Son, step back, take a deep breat, and wake your underage bitch up for highschool.


Then, think of something worthy for me to beat you down with.


Until then, continue eating 15 year old cock...and remember...they are all 18 until the court date... graemlins/gay.gif


Does this anger you that I am dating some one hotter than anything you will ever have sex with? Or is it because she is female and that's always going to be a step ahead of you? Yes I know she is 17, so what we were in high school at the same time what is the fucking deal? DO you have any idea how many freshmen girls I fucked when I was 18? NO I know you don't because you never fucked any girls. Mars step back realise that I > you and shut the fuck up...
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WOW...what a fucking accomplishment...any fucking senior can fuck a freshman.


Whopdie fucking do. We have all been their, and you arent impressing anyone.


I think you have that slut because A) You told her what your dad does or B) You drugged her.


Either way, Im not impressed. When you can get a girl your own age, then talk shit.



*ps...does she have any friends? ;)

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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

WOW...what a fucking accomplishment...any fucking senior can fuck a freshman.


Whopdie fucking do. We have all been their, and you arent impressing anyone.


I think you have that slut because A) You told her what your dad does or B) You drugged her.


Either way, Im not impressed. When you can get a girl your own age, then talk shit.



*ps...does she have any friends? ;)

Calling my girl firend a slut when you don't know her is


a) a quck way to an asswhooping

b) an even faster way to the E.R.

c) not cool


On that note lets talk alittle bit. Does this all stem from your repressed homosexuality? Did your daddy molest you, I think they have places that help you with that stuff. I am calling graemlins/bsflag.gif on you getting ass in HS. One last thing I am not bragging about banging freshmen slarts I am saying it's commenly accepted so why does it matter now? the 3 years did not matter then but they must now? So where is your hot girl at?


Shut the fuck up again you don't need to impress any one we all ready feel bad for your lame ass.

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Ok, so you told her that your daddy was rich? That's the only way I can see *you* getting any hot ass. Other than druging her that is.


Either way, you ARE bragging about about banging a freshman slir, and I feel bad for you. I can introduce you to a few girls that are your own age...non of which are crosseyed or Brandi. tongue.gif


It does matter...I always made fun of the assholes that banged freshman when they were seniors...that's just pathetic. Not accepted...looked down upon.


My hot girl is in your bed...considering she is MY AGE. Impress someone...not my intention.


My intention is to call your punk ass out, and show what a true pedifile you are. You have unwillingly proven that point for me. Thanks!


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wow I wish that I knew what it was like to be uncool like you? I don't have to date some one my age, most people infact do not date some one their age. Pedafile? She wasn't 14 son. As for crosseyed [wtf mate] when are you going to get it? Who in the fuck is brandi? I hope you are not refering to turbo lust. You were not even around in those days infact you couldn't drive if you did you would know that I have never said a word to that nasty slut. In fact I call people out on banging her because I was there?


I ware the daddy pants around here little boy so go back to your fucking GI Joes.

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Originally posted by Orion:

did you seriously just drop a kfc reference on me? after claiming that i wasnt allowed to make fun of you because "i dont know you"? if there was a kfc near me, i would single handedly be keeping it in business. :D


youre right, i wasnt giving your level of stupidity nearly enough credit. if my posts are "*** suck", I can only conclude that you don't read your own. and why should you? theyre about as interesting as a puddle of frogs piss. actually - come to think of it - theyre less interesting than a puddle of frogs piss, you pitiful inbred bucktoothed bobblehead with a penchant for playing the harmonica with your ass. dullard, you are lamer than a three-legged dog trying to take a shit on a frozen lake.


telling folks that youre going to "leave it alone", and then responding with a weak attempt at humor is a good way to end up on my bad side. you dont want to be there. graemlins/slap.gif

you know, I was pissed off before when you tried to insult my intelligence, but after reading this post and the level of stupidity on this crack, I realized that what your insult is, is just lame and now I really don't give a fuck.... as far as the KFC crack, it was a joke... I don't have to know you very well for you to say that you're half black... I remember last year at Krogers, it seemed like you'd walk up to anyone you meet and be like, "hey, I'm half black...... look at me, look at me" If that joke was offensive to someone then I appologize.... as far as being on your bad side DJ, I don't give a shit, this is the internet.... what are you going to do? quote something I say and then make a lame attempt to crack on me? ooohhhhhh I'm scared tongue.gif


oh and to set the record straight as far as reading posts... typicially I only glance at them then write something... I really should get better at paying attention to what I'm reading.



OH NO, I'm a bobblehead buck toof puddle of frog piss playing a harmonica.... watch out... I think DJ bust a blood vessle calling me that. ahhhhhhhhhhhh.



oh, you have a PM dude.

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jesus, im so busy laughing at all of the other nonsense in this thread, that i cant write my own freakin comeback!


ok man, give me a little bit. once i clean up all the pepsi off of my desk, ill get something on here.


p.s., its no fun if you go to the "riffing on the internet is not cool" card. not for either of us.

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Personally I don't see why Marc is all upset. He should realize that the ones calling him a fag all the time only do it in hopes that he is. Their motivation is simple, they all want to be his bitch. They are wanting Marc to bend them over and nail them in the poopshoot most likely. So the only question here is what's more queer, pitching of catching???? CATCHING!!! Slap em the man meat bro, send em off with the "I just humped the neighbor's cat" look on their face. Then they are happy, you still have your manhood, and all is right with the world.


Can anyone come up with a better reason for their continued intrest in Marc's sexual orientation???

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Originally posted by Wonka:

wow I wish that I knew what it was like to be uncool like you? I don't have to date some one my age, most people infact do not date some one their age. Pedafile? She wasn't 14 son. As for crosseyed [wtf mate] when are you going to get it? Who in the fuck is brandi? I hope you are not refering to turbo lust. You were not even around in those days infact you couldn't drive if you did you would know that I have never said a word to that nasty slut. In fact I call people out on banging her because I was there?


I ware the daddy pants around here little boy so go back to your fucking GI Joes.

You dont have to or you cant? There is a difference boy.


I certaintly was around then, and if I had to guess, I was around before you. Get your facts straight then come and play.


Jon, Medina is nice. You should go back their. Give my love to the little lady ;)


You wear your daddys pants? Did you forget which pair was yours when rushing out of his room last night after you finished the 'job' he gave you? Damn, I wonder what he pays you for your 'services'...I hope it's enough to buy school supplies for your lady.


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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

You dont have to or you cant? There is a difference boy.


I certaintly was around then, and if I had to guess, I was around before you. Get your facts straight then come and play.


Jon, Medina is nice. You should go back their. Give my love to the little lady ;)


You wear your daddys pants? Did you forget which pair was yours when rushing out of his room last night after you finished the 'job' he gave you? Damn, I wonder what he pays you for your 'services'...I hope it's enough to buy school supplies for your lady.


Being the first person to sack ride Kenny does not make you special you were douchface then and you are one now. You around before me ha ha ha so when you were 13 you were out racing? Marc go do something you're to pathetic.


I am sorry your parents didn't want you .

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Sack ride kenny?? Do you have me confused with someone??


And no, I wasnt out when I was 13...I was out when I was 14. No, not racing. I was watching. Way to know your ass from your face. graemlins/thumb.gif


And I am doing something, it's called drinking. You should try it sometime, it might mellow you the fuck out. Bitch. :cool:


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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Sack ride kenny?? Do you have me confused with someone??


And no, I wasnt out when I was 13...I was out when I was 14. No, not racing. I was watching. Way to know your ass from your face. graemlins/thumb.gif


And I am doing something, it's called drinking. You should try it sometime, it might mellow you the fuck out. Bitch. :cool:


Drinking? I got my own vices... bish


smot poker

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