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Got Turbo?


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This one is for you graemlins/thumb.gif

Got der turbo? "nah" Got duh car? "nope"

You shouldn't have entered the kitchen and made fun of OSU, your just some devil's advocate fag who likes a state you probably haven't even crossed boarders into. As far as I'm concerned your 17 posts closer to a verbal bitch slapping. "I like mechagun cause they are cewl with bwue and yella" Shut your fucking mouth...bitch

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LMFAO wow i must be kinda important for you to make a thread about me lmao you should not have wasted your time dickhead as for my car lol im 17 years old lmao i dont have a rich mommy and daddy to buy me shit when im young to have when im older lol so dont worry about my car you dck sucking fag what are you upset that your team got ther number pulled dont worry buddy it happens to the best of us :-x
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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

LMFAO wow i must be kinda important for you to make a thread about me lmao you should not have wasted your time dickhead as for my car lol im 17 years old lmao i dont have a rich mommy and daddy to buy me shit when im young to have when im older lol so dont worry about my car you dck sucking fag what are you upset that your team got ther number pulled dont worry buddy it happens to the best of us :-x

lol fucking lol i'm a tweedlebox lol graemlins/finger.gif
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Originally posted by Republicant:

Anyone who uses LMFAO even once in a post (let alone four or five times) should be shot, point blank, in the face, with a twelve guage. E-language isn't cool.


Originally posted by 1Quik7: [QB] lol fucking lol i'm a tweedlebox lol
What exactly is a tweedlebox :confused:
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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

im 17 years old lmao i dont have a rich mommy and daddy to buy me shit when im young to have when im older lol so dont worry about my car

graemlins/leghump.gif repost, I've read that before fag
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LMAO see i dont use LMAO or ROFL that much just do it so you guys actually have something to come back on. and no jackass i havent attemted the test yet by me saying i have no license means " me no took test yet cuz me have to have overprotected grandma's permission " fucking genius if you dont know me dont post shit about me unless its about something i said on here your making your self look like i complete idiot
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You guy insist on coming back at me and making me waste my time posting in this thread. ok, no problem i will post again. You get a headache reading this shit, Lmaest comeback or comment that has been posted thus far. Ok back to mackzilla, im really sorry you have nothing better to do then talk shit about someone you dont know. Never met, and yet you still feel the need to put my dick in your mouth everyday. For the idiot that doesn't understand " slang " that means wasting his time talking shit about me. Need an Tylenol yet? Ok, all of you that keep losting in here are wasting you precious time, how about you guys go work, make some money, and soup up the cars you drive. You know with the usual stuff, Big ass wings, Body Kit, and A fat ass broad to sit in the passenger seat :-D until you guys know me or have met me then you guys should not post about me.
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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

until you guys know me or have met me then you guys should not post about me.

You'd need your 'Ls' and a car to be able to come out to meets for that to even be probable. Why are you on this site, to argue and make yourself look like a douche bag? Just asking because I haven't seen on constructive post from you, and I've only seen a couple that have anything to do with cars period.
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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

soup up the cars you drive. You know with the usual stuff, Big ass wings, Body Kit, and A fat ass broad to sit in the passenger seat :-D

I don't think that even a small minority of us rice out our cars like you are talking about right now. And I guess I could say the same for you since you have nothing to even mod. Maybe you could get some roller shoes as a foot upgrade? l0lerskates! :-x :-D
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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

You guy insist on coming back at me and making me waste my time posting in this thread. ok, no problem i will post again. You get a headache reading this shit, Lmaest comeback or comment that has been posted thus far. Ok back to mackzilla, im really sorry you have nothing better to do then talk shit about someone you dont know. Never met, and yet you still feel the need to put my dick in your mouth everyday. For the idiot that doesn't understand " slang " that means wasting his time talking shit about me. Need an Tylenol yet? Ok, all of you that keep losting in here are wasting you precious time, how about you guys go work, make some money, and soup up the cars you drive. You know with the usual stuff, Big ass wings, Body Kit, and A fat ass broad to sit in the passenger seat :-D until you guys know me or have met me then you guys should not post about me.

ok come out to the meets sometime that way we can meet you then and then talk shit about you

Oh BTW will your mom be driving you out or will you be sporting COTA.

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Lol mack good one man with the skates first funny thing you have said so far and neo im on this site because i want to be on this site to further educate myself about cars from the people on here that talk about problems/solutions and i wasnt talking about all of you guys just the idiot that said something about me being 17 and having no license, but like i said you dont know me very well i have been to a couple meets and met a couple of you guys, well the ones that are not stuck on talking shit to people that they have never met nor talked to before so like i said im done with these two threads and posting my fingers are starting to hurt so im done unless you guy want to take this further for a reason other then me being young and not having a car yet. If there are any other reason's to talk shit about me let me know
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OH SHIT HAHAHAHA, good one umm whats your name again, look buddy i dont live with my mom. Nothing you ever need to mention again BTW > redface.gif and no i will be riding shotgun with someone like last time genius. Besides since when can a COTA bus keep up with you guys :-p
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This kid is a grade-A douchebag. He posts a thread in which he talks shit about the home city's football team, then gets pissed when people tell him to fuck off and that half the shit he posted doesn't make sense. A thread is created about how big of a toolshed that he is, and he responds with an almost desperado-esque "oh wellz I just mayk deh typing misteaks so you guys can tlak sh*t!!!?!one!"... I'm seriously wondering how his parents raised him if he thinks it's cool or socially acceptable to try and start shit with someone (online, no less), and then back out like a huge bloody vagina. If I were his Dad (or grandma or whoebver the fuck it is that he lives with), I would take a godamned frying pan upside his overly-large, down syndrome head as soon and as often as possible. Someone needs to straighten his bitch ass out.
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^ = coming from the talking shit online major himself?


Not only do you talk shit in everythread to everyone whenever you get the chance you also flame other people for doing it? Jesus christ tiger woods, go do your college work that you talk so much shit about.

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Ok, Before i go hostile and get my self banned im gonna let you in on something about me. So maybe you will have knowledge on what i've been through.


I raised myself, I have taught myself everything. Period. My dad the one you so openly talk about without knowing him has been locked up for a long time. So i have had no father in my life. But the same way i tell you to shut up about not knowing me, you didnt know. Right?, he wotn be out till im a fully grown man, he has never been there to teach me shit, or give me advice. Another thing i will correct you on, I raised myself by the friends i placed around me. That is why i am how i am, Being around Ghetto people was my life up until now. But the ghetto people i hung around we also not into drugs, drinking, ect... So i felt i had good friends. Now maybe you will actually get to know someone before letting off a the mouth.


Im done with this thread and this subject about me. Now that you know a little about me, now you have about 3% of what i have went through as a child/Teenager you can actually find grounds or things you can relate to. And stop all this shit talking, cuz im done.

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