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Circuit City Closing!!!!


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because no one in their right mind would buy computer equipment from CC in the first place. the only reason they even still sell computers is to remain competitive with best buy. the prices they get on computers from manufacturers really isnt that great, so obviously the markup isnt that much. I dont expect them to carry anything other than laptops within the next few years.
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They had one of these for $2800. Great deal on what seems to be a very good TV if someone’s looking for a (very) large TV. For the price I would get a front projector, but those aren't as practical for some people.


I didn't see too many other things that seemed like great deals though, except for the candy, which I don't really eat so that didn't help me at all.

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Originally posted by Neo:

They had one of these for $2800. Great deal on what seems to be a very good TV if someone’s looking for a (very) large TV. For the price I would get a front projector, but those aren't as practical for some people.



I got one of those a couple weeks ago. Love it.


I didn't see too many other things that seemed like great deals though, except for the candy, which I don't really eat so that didn't help me at all.

I got one of those a couple weeks ago. Love it.


[ 21. February 2005, 04:28 PM: Message edited by: Doug ]

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Originally posted by d3caps:

just check back in there in a few days, im sure they will be selling their employees at reasonable prices as well

get fucked........ i didnt know you were the CC expert. Brandon was right, people think CC is doing so bad but they really dont know the truth. They got rid of the stores to open better ones in better markets. Down south CC owns best buy. I worked for best buy for almost 2 years and the way CC handles things is 10000 times better then best buy ever could. So before you start talking a big game how you think CC is i think the people that work there know a little bit more then you fuck face. Go back to your cock sucking job and leave everyone else alone.
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Originally posted by Dark Horse:

get fucked........ i didnt know you were the CC expert. Brandon was right, people think CC is doing so bad but they really dont know the truth. They got rid of the stores to open better ones in better markets. Down south CC owns best buy. I worked for best buy for almost 2 years and the way CC handles things is 10000 times better then best buy ever could. So before you start talking a big game how you think CC is i think the people that work there know a little bit more then you fuck face. Go back to your cock sucking job and leave everyone else alone.

"fuck face"? you better not let mommy hear you talking like that, or you will be tasting some Dial and have some nice welts on your bum. Its too bad you are a fv(king moron, if you werent, you might realize that no company is going to tell their employees "well, we arent gonna have a good year." That lowers the morale, which in turn reflects negatively on sales. Again, Brandon is spouting off with typical CC confidence boosters they feed to their employees. I guess you are ALSO illiterate, because i never directly compared circuit city to best buy, so I dont know where you were pulling that from. And i didnt take the cocksucking job, just to let you know. So if you want to talk it over with your dad, he might still be hiring.
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Originally posted by d3caps:

"fuck face"? you better not let mommy hear you talking like that, or you will be tasting some Dial and have some nice welts on your bum. Its too bad you are a fv(king moron, if you werent, you might realize that no company is going to tell their employees "well, we arent gonna have a good year." That lowers the morale, which in turn reflects negatively on sales. Again, Brandon is spouting off with typical CC confidence boosters they feed to their employees. I guess you are ALSO illiterate, because i never directly compared circuit city to best buy, so I dont know where you were pulling that from. And i didnt take the cocksucking job, just to let you know. So if you want to talk it over with your dad, he might still be hiring.

Wow this guy is a winner. Go back to whatever hole you came from. I talk to the managers, i know what goes on in the business. I am sure that is how they run your shit hole business but not where i come from. They let us see the reports and see how the company is performing. So know what you are talking about before you open your dick sucking mouth. Oh and by the way my dad told me that your mom already filled that position to suck him off.
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Originally posted by Neo:

Very sweet Doug. How do you like it so far?

Its awesome. I hope CBS broadcasts their 4 F1 races in HD smile.gif


I looked at rp LCD, rp CRT, flat panel Plasmas and LCDs, and liked the DLPs the most. I can't see rainbows so thats not a problem for me. THe only downside is that you can't play PS2 on it because it has to upscale the 480i picture and theres a delay... not a problem on X-box or any of the the future consoles (ps3 etc).

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lol, you just tell yourself whatever it takes so you arent worried about losing your job. and like i told brandon, come back in a year and let me know how those company "projections" came out. You have no clue whats REALLY going on there, and thats how they like it. And actually, I would be happy if my mom was sucking off your dad. She has TMJ, so if she can find someone with a small enough dick to give head to, more power to her..
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Originally posted by Doug:

THe only downside is that you can't play PS2 on it because it has to upscale the 480i picture and theres a delay... not a problem on X-box or any of the the future consoles (ps3 etc).

From the little I've looked at different TV's, I'd definitely have to agree that I like the way DLP looks the best also.


That's going to be a problem with most any higher resolution 'TV'. The delay problem is a bit surprising, most of the time I've just heard the picture looks washed out. Unless you spend $$,$$$ on a TV or projector, the internal scaler won't be very good. You'll see this on DVD's too, unless you have an HTPC or one of the very few DVD players that you can chose what resolution/freq. to output at. I know of some good scalers in the sub $1k range. Edit: my bad, the one that will upconvert to 720P for you is $1200. The $700 one will only do 480P. I also know of a progressive scan DVD player that's ~$200 that you can select what resolution you want it to output at (so you can match it to your TV).


Let me know if you want to talk more, or just go check out www.avsforum.com, I've learned alot from that site.


[ 22. February 2005, 12:08 AM: Message edited by: Neo ]

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Originally posted by Neo:

From the little I've looked at different TV's, I'd definitely have to agree that I like the way DLP looks the best also.


That's going to be a problem with most any higher resolution 'TV'. The delay problem is a bit surprising, most of the time I've just heard the picture looks washed out. Unless you spend $$,$$$ on a TV or projector, the internal scaler won't be very good. You'll see this on DVD's too, unless you have an HTPC or one of the very few DVD players that you can chose what resolution/freq. to output at. I know of some good scalers in the sub $1k range. I also know of a progressive scan DVD player that's ~$200 that you can select what resolution you want it to output at (so you can match it to your TV). Let me know if you want to talk more, or just go check out www.avrforum.com, I've learned alot from that site.

yeah I surf that forum frequently too. As for the delay problems I'm just not going to worry about it. PS2 is at the end of its lifespan and I won't have to worry about it once the next generation game consoles come out.
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yes, you do a lot of volume, but they will gradually phase them out since it is not profitable for them. i wouldnt buy one there due to their stipulations regarding computer related items.
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Originally posted by d3caps:

lol, you just tell yourself whatever it takes so you arent worried about losing your job. and like i told brandon, come back in a year and let me know how those company "projections" came out. You have no clue whats REALLY going on there, and thats how they like it. And actually, I would be happy if my mom was sucking off your dad. She has TMJ, so if she can find someone with a small enough dick to give head to, more power to her..

I want to know how you know so much about CC when you dont even work there? You're lame.
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Thank you Doug i just got at work and was about to show the same thing. D3caps reads the Columbus Dispatch and thinks that he can make a educated opinion of the finiacial situations of CC. HE doesnt see the info that doesnt make it to the paper but he likes to think he does. Shows how much he knew about this subject.
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The Dispatch is a conservative biased piece of shit, i wouldnt even wipe my ass with it. And i know a lot more about your company than you think. If you really think you have a clue about whats going on there, you are dumber than i thought.
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lol, sorry pookie, but i beg to differ. are you saying these children arent responsible for the content they put into their posts? I offered my opinion, then they decided to come in and run their mouths. so really what you mean is, D3caps gave his opinion, and then was flamed for it?
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Originally posted by d3caps:

The Dispatch is a conservative biased piece of shit, i wouldnt even wipe my ass with it. And i know a lot more about your company than you think. If you really think you have a clue about whats going on there, you are dumber than i thought.

SO let me get this straight you know more about MY company the company that I work at, than I do. You are sadly mistaken, just admit all your comments and opinions have been derived from the columbus dispatch or your hotmail email account. You talked shit about our job and our work place do you expect us to just take it? You are the child that is uninformed about a subject that you know NOTHING about. Go flame somewhere else
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