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Circuit City Closing!!!!


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Originally posted by d3caps:

just like significant others should, i think its sweet. and this is for brandon the badass.........






you sexy keyboard commando, you. how brave of you to invite me to your little fag gathering with all of your friends, i feel like one of the guys now. well, without the rainbow socks....

I know its pretty brave, but if I am such a 'keyboard warrior' then come on out, I'll be there.


But until then you cock juggling thunder cunt, you can retort no more. 'keyboard warrior' graemlins/nutkick.gif

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Guest Hamtaro

that should have been in quotes, as you were quoting hannibal king in "Blade: Trinity"


as far as me not being able to retort anymore, i guess the cats out of the bag now, huh pussy?

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Originally posted by Hamtaro:

you ignorant faggot, banning me obviously didnt do anything, so why dont you think of something else?

perhaps make me sit in the corner, or no TV for a week?

You *** winnar.



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lol, the IP ban did a lot of good, huh Doug?


and I prefer this ass clown award better.



This dude cant face the facts that he needs to leave. What a child that he is still hanging around here when no one wants him here. Who makes another screen name like a little girl that is trying to create drama. Go back to whatever gay lifestyle you come from and get the fuck out of here.

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man, you made me bust out the old school....


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[ x ] Much longer than any thought of which you are capable


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[ ] You posted something totally uninteresting

[ ] You flamed the Standardized Idiot Reply Form

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[ x ] What you posted has been done before

[ x ] Not only that, it was also done better the last time

[ ] You quoted an *entire* post in your reply

[ ] You bumped an aged topic which should not have been

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[ ] You started a long, stupid thread

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[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message

[ x ] You posted low-IQ flamebait

[ ] You posted a blatantly obvious troll

[ ] You said "me too" to something

[ ] You made no sense

[ ] You must have spent your life in a skinner box to be this clueless

[ ] You posted in ELitE CaPitALs to look k00wL

[ ] You posted a message in ALL CAPS

[ x ] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of the Internet

[ ] You are a loser

[ x ] This has been pointed out to you before

[ ] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed on general principles


It is recommended that you: (check all that apply)

[ ] Get a clue

[ ] Get a life

[ x ] Go away

[ ] Grow up

[ x ] Never post again

[ ] Have your medicine adjusted

[ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor

[ x ] Find a volcano and throw yourself in

[ ] Get a gun and shoot yourself

[ ] Actually post something relevant

[ ] Read the FAQ

[ ] Consume excrement

[ ] Consume excrement and thus expire

[ ] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea of what you are doing


In closing, i'd like to say: (check all that apply)

[ ] You need to seek psychiatric help

[ x ] Take your gibberish somewhere else

[ x ] *plonk*

[ ] Most of the above

[ ] All of the above

[ ] Some of the above, not including All of the above

[ ] You are so clueless that I didn't even bother filling in this form


welp, i hope you like creating new profiles, ham. youll be doing it again soon.

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Guest Hamtaro

lol, would you like to know whats even sadder? the fact that you dug that up, and then filled it out. what kind of douchebag thinks they are "owning" someone by filling out a form that was funny 3 years ago?



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Originally posted by Hamtaro:

lol, would you like to know whats even sadder? the fact that you dug that up, and then filled it out. what kind of douchebag thinks they are "owning" someone by filling out a form that was funny 3 years ago?



Because it's still funny.. while you are not. graemlins/nonono.gif
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